Originally posted by Wikinews. Wikinews content appears under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license except where specified. As these articles are static snapshots of news items that may be later updated, they may not represent the latest or final revision of that article, and posted information may be only preliminary. Supreme Court of Sweden agrees to try Bildkonst Upphovsrätt i Sverige versus Wikimedia Sverige ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- March 20, 2015 Original URL: http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Supreme_Court_of_Sweden_agrees_to_try_Bildkonst_Upphovsr%C3%A4tt_i_Sverige_versus_Wikimedia_Sverige The highest court in Sweden, the Supreme Court of Sweden, agreed on Monday to try the case "''Ö 849-15''" between ''Bildkonst Upphovsrätt i Sverige'' (BUS, Visual Arts Copyright Society in Sweden) and ''Wikimedia Sverige'' (Wikimedia Sweden). The jurisprudence could result in Freedom of Panorama being effectively overturned in Sweden, requiring websites such as Wikimedia Commons, which is maintained by the Wikimedia Foundation, to delete thousands of images. Not long after ''Wikimedia Sverige'' created the website offentligkonst.se to publish images and metadata about artworks placed in public spaces in Sweden, BUS, a pro-copyright lobby, advocated that it constituted infringement on the artists' copyright. The current lawsuit opposes the interpretation of ''Wikimedia'' — that artwork permanently installed in public space should be subject to the Freedom of Panorama exception that is in effect in Sweden — to that of BUS — that is creation (''sister=wikt:sv|avbilda'') of images and videos of an artwork in a public space is allowed, their distribution (''sister=wikt:sv|återge'') remains prohibited. Anna Troberg, an author and former leader of the Swedish Pirate Party which advocates copyright reform, commented on her blog, ;Images over which BUS are suing Wikimedia Sverige File:120 DUO.JPG|Thomas Qvarsebo bronze statue ''Duo'', in Stockholm, donated by Eva Bonniers Grants Committee. File:Johan Paalzow Moby Dick. JPG|Johan Paalzow sculpture ''Moby Dick'', in Stockholm. File:Eva Hild Binär. JPG|Eva Hild sculpture ''Binär'', in Stockholm. == Sources == * http://www.kamerabild.se/nyheter/bilder-p-offentliga-konstverk-pr-vas-i-hd * http://www.aftonbladet.se/kultur/article20489746.ab * https://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=478&artikel=6119796 * http://www.idg.se/2.1085/1.615861/hd-provar-om-wikimedias-foton-pa-offentlig-konst-ar-upphovsrattsbrott * http://www.stockholmstingsratt.se/Domstolar/stockholmstingsratt/Dokument/F%C3%B6rhandlingar%202015/Forhandlingar%202015-01-12%20--%2016.pdf * http://www.hogstadomstolen.se/Avgoranden/Provningstillstand/ * http://www.annatroberg.se/2014/06/13/bus-eller-godis/ |pub=annatroberg.se |date=June 13, 2014 |lang=sv }} == External links == }} * [http://offentligkonst.se/ http://offentligkonst.se/] * https://wikimediasverige.wordpress.com/2014/06/13/angaende-stamningsansokan-fran-bus-mot-offentligkonst-se/#English (Press release) * http://www.bus.se/3557 (Press release) .