Originally posted by Wikinews. Wikinews content appears under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license except where specified. As these articles are static snapshots of news items that may be later updated, they may not represent the latest or final revision of that article, and posted information may be only preliminary. Scaffolding collapses in Copenhagen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 3, 2018 Original URL: https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Scaffolding_collapses_in_Copenhagen In Copenhagen, Denmark on Monday, the first day in the new year, scaffolding at the corner of Randersgade and Koldinggade collapsed at about 13:00 local time (1200 UTC). Strong winds were reported. Police cordoned off the area, noting it could collapse even more and cables for the street lightning were broken. No personal injuries were reported, but some cars were damaged, according to the Copenhagen Police. Arbejdstilsynet, the Danish workplace safety authority, was investigating the cause of the collapse and the police planned to question the company who set up the scaffolding. == Sources == * https://ekstrabladet.dk/112/lige-nu-stillads-styrtet-sammen/6980024 * https://politiken.dk/indland/art6274786/Stort-stillads-v%C3%A6lter-ud-over-k%C3%B8benhavnsk-gade |pub = Politiken |date = January 1, 2018 |lang=da }} .