#/usr/local/bin/perl # # A very simple gopher client in Perl 4.036 # require "chat2.pl"; require "win.pl"; $args = "gocamel feenix.metronet.com 70 1/perlinfo"; $pager = "/usr/local/bin/less"; $mailer = "/usr/local/bin/mush -h"; $title =" GOCAMEL: A perl script delivery tool", $footer = "Enter Item Number or : f - forward page b - back page q - quit u - up"; ($junk, $host, $port, $path) = split(' ',$args); # get initial menu , start recursion &get_selection($host,$path,$port,$title,$footer); print "\e"."["."2"."J"; # clean up print "\e"."["."0"."m"; # restore good mode ############################################################################## sub send_request{ local($path, $port,$host) = @_; local($line,$i) = (1,0); local(@page); $timeout = 2; local($N) = &chat'open_port($host,$port); if(!defined $N){ die "open control: $!";} &chat'print($N,"$path\r\n"); while(1){ #While receiving data $line = &chat'expect($N, $timeout, '^(.*)\r?\n', '"$1"' ); last if ($line =~ /^[\.]/); $page[$i++] = $line; } &chat'close($N); @page; } sub get_selection{ local($host,$path,$port,$title,$footer) = @_; local($line,$selection,$i,$j,$b,$cur,@A,@types,@text,@paths,@hosts,@ports); local(@cur_types,@cur_text,@cur_paths,@cur_hosts,@cur_ports,@tmpfile); local(@win1)=(0,21,79,1,0,7,$title,$footer); print "\e"."["."2"."J"; &win'title(@win1); &win'footer(@win1); local(@buffer) = &send_request($path, $port, $host); foreach $b (@buffer){ if($j==19){$j=0;$i++;} @A = split(/\t/,$b); $A[0] =~ s/^[0-9]// && ( $types[$i] = $1); $types[$i].=" #"; $text[$i].=($j+1)."> "."$A[0]#"; $paths[$i].="$A[1]#"; $hosts[$i].="$A[2]#";$ports[$i].="$A[3]#"; $j++; } while($j<19){ $types[$i].=" #"; $text[$i].=" #"; $paths[$i].=" #"; $hosts[$i].=" #";$ports[$i].=" #"; $j++; } $cur=0; while($selection ne "q"){ @cur_text = split(/#/,$text[$cur]); &win'refresh(scalar(@cur_text),@cur_text,scalar(@win1),@win1); chop($selection=&win'getdata(10,23,"Enter Your Selection > ",7)); if( $selection =~ /^[fF]/){ if($cur < $i) {$cur++;next;} } elsif ($selection =~ /^[bB]/){ if($cur > 0) {$cur--;next;} } elsif ($selection =~ /^[uU]/){ return; } elsif (($selection < 20) && ($selection > 0)){ $selection--; @cur_hosts=split(/#/,$hosts[$cur]); @cur_paths=split(/#/,$paths[$cur]); @cur_ports=split(/#/,$ports[$cur]); @cur_types=split(/#/,$types[$cur]); if(($cur_paths[$selection] =~ /^1/) || ($cur_paths[$selection] =~ /^ftp/)){ &get_selection($cur_hosts[$selection],$cur_paths[$selection], $cur_ports[$selection],$cur_text[$selection],$footer); print "\e"."["."2"."J"; &win'title(@win1); &win'footer(@win1); next; } elsif($cur_paths[$selection] =~ /^7/){ chop($keyword =&win'getdata(10,23,"Keyword to search for? > ",7)); if(length($keyword) < 1){ &win'getdata(10,23,"Bad Keyword, hit Return > ",7); next; } &get_selection($cur_hosts[$selection],$cur_paths[$selection]."\t".$keyword, $cur_ports[$selection],$cur_text[$selection],$footer); print "\e"."["."2"."J"; &win'title(@win1); &win'footer(@win1); next; } elsif($cur_types[$selection] == 0 || $cur_paths[$selection] =~ /^.*0\//){ $cur_paths =~ s#^.*/##; @tmpfile = &send_request($cur_paths[$selection], $cur_ports[$selection], $cur_hosts[$selection]); open(LOOKATME,">/tmp/gocam$$")||die "couldnt open that file, dude(ette)"; foreach $line (@tmpfile){ print LOOKATME $line; print LOOKATME "\n"; } close LOOKATME; system "clear"; system "$pager /tmp/gocam$$"; print "\e"."["."2"."J"; chop($keyword =&win'getdata(10,23, "s to save, m to mail, or anything else to continue > ",7)); if($keyword eq "m"){ system "$mailer /tmp/gocam$$"; system "rm -f /tmp/gocam$$"; print "\e"."["."2"."J"; &win'title(@win1); &win'footer(@win1); next;} elsif($keyword eq "s"){ print "\e"."["."2"."J"; chop($keyword =&win'getdata(11,23, "Enter name of file to save to > ",7)); if (length($keyword)<2){print "error there, bud"; next;} system "mv /tmp/gocam$$ $ENV{'HOME'}/$keyword"; &win'title(@win1); &win'footer(@win1); next; } else{ system "rm -f /tmp/gocam$$"; print "\e"."["."2"."J"; &win'title(@win1); &win'footer(@win1); next; } } else{print" Not implemented, sorry bout that"; next;} } else{next;} } print "\e"."["."2"."J"; exit 0; } .