Terms of Usage for the Floodgap Groundhog weather service Data we provide is public information. Floodgap has no copyright on it, provides no warranty of its accuracy, and has no control over its timeliness, resemblance to fact, or validity to any application. WEATHER DATA IS PROVIDED FOR YOUR OWN CONVENIENCE AND ENTERTAINMENT, and you use it STRICTLY AT YOUR OWN RISK. Do not use the Groundhog to determine if a dangerous weather condition exists. Weather data offered by the Groundhog is downloaded from publicly available weather sources and cached and reprocessed by the local mole gateway. Please don't directly download data from us for our automated usage; doing so if detected will be blocked since we don't have that kind of bandwidth. Some services are rate-limited due to spidering. Although USA weather data is public domain, offerings from other countries may be copyrighted (Australia). Report outages and just plain funky behaviour to gopher@floodgap.com. .