*** Veronica-2 Help: Result accuracy First, an immediate disclaimer: NEITHER THE ADMINISTATORS OF VERONICA-2 NOR FLOODGAP TAKES RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT YOU MAY END UP FINDING. Whether you find it helpful, inaccurate, stupid or even objectionable, we cannot be held responsible for content maintained by other users or servers. If you have concerns, please mail us at gopher@floodgap.com but be aware that we will probably not be able to assist you with content we don't maintain (i.e. just about everything in the database). ** Your best bet is something that points to an actual file. ** That means something like a text document, an image or a binary. The Veronica-2 robot has made a best-guess effort to verify the selector's existence and while it may not necessarily be what you're looking for, it's virtually guaranteed to be a valid selector. In Gopher's twilight, servers may break or be shut down without warning, and what Veronica-2 once verified existed may no longer exist. Gopher servers are, unfortunately, rarely maintained as well as their Web counterparts in this day and age. On behalf of those moronic cretin administrators who should know better than to let the gophers under their care rot and degenerate, we apologise for your frustration. We try to keep on top of this, but the unpredictable nature of Gopherspace these days makes it continuously problematic. Please report gaping errors to gopher@floodgap.com, particularly duplicate file selectors and just plain dead sites. Folders and directories can be very useful but because of Gopher's gradual decline earlier on, many offer selectors that point to incorrect locations. Some are completely unmaintained and no selector at all in them works; and still others are totally empty and have nothing in them at all. Unfortunately, the robot can't guard against these since the folder does in fact exist (it's just junk, is all). Clicker beware. Search servers and Telnet locations are slightly troublesome. The bot can only verify these by checking that something answers at the location specified, but whether the server or host is actually in operation and doing the functions advertised is impossible for it to verify. Careful. .