(DIR) Alpha Micro Users Society (AMUS) Network Library Archive
                       DSK2:100,101    BASIC UTILITIES
 (TXT) ^ABCDEF BAS^ 8    -sorts a list of items
 (TXT) ^ADDLBL BAS^ 6    -Print multiple address labels - 1 or 2 rows
 (TXT) ^AL     BAS^ 33   -Enhanced directory listing
 (BIN) ^AL     RUN^ 17   -Enhanced directory listing
 (TXT) ^AMORTZ BAS^ 6    -Amortization program - calculates loan payment
 (TXT) ^AMORTZ DAT^ 6    -Associate file for AMORTZ.BAS
 (BIN) ^AMORTZ RUN^ 4    -Amortization program - calculates loan payment
 (BIN) ^AMOS   SBR^ 1    -Associate file for TSTDSK
 (BIN) ^ANYCN  SBR^ 2    -Associate file for REMIND.BAS
 (TXT) ^BACKGD BAS^ 5    -Writes & submits a .CTL file from BASIC
 (TXT) ^BBMAIL BAS^ 6    -Displays the captured text from the AMUS mail system
 (BIN) ^BLOCKS SBR^ 1    -Associate file for TSTDSK
 (TXT) ^BORDER BSI^ 2    -Draws screen border
 (TXT) ^BUS    BAS^ 4    -Displays contents of S-100 bus
 (TXT) ^CCJNAM BAS^ 4    -displays JOB name without use of XCALLs
 (TXT) ^CLEANT BAS^ 7    -Cleans out .LST file if .T, .TXT, or .WRT exists
 (TXT) ^CLEANT DO ^ 1    -Associate file for CLEANT.BAS
 (TXT) ^CLEANT HLP^ 3    -Documentation for CLEANT.BAS
 (TXT) ^CONVRT BAS^ 17   -convert ASCII <-> RAD50 or RAD50 <-> ASCII
 (BIN) ^CONVRT RUN^ 6    -Convert ASCII to RAD50 or RAD50 to ASCII
 (TXT) ^CRTLST BAS^ 6    -creates .LST file of TCRT calls generated by TDV
 (TXT) ^DBCHKD BAS^ 53   -Enhanced VERIFY - checks files against *.DIR file
 (TXT) ^DBCHKD DOC^ 19   -Documentation for DBCHKD.BAS
 (BIN) ^DBCHKD RUN^ 36   -Enhanced VERIFY -checks files against *.DIR file
 (TXT) ^DBFCLS BAS^ 15   -close all your FOLDER (from Soft Machines) files
 (TXT) ^DBFCLS DOC^ 7    -Documentation for DBFCLS.BAS
 (TXT) ^DBFOPN BAS^ 15   -open all your FOLDER (from Soft Machines) files
 (TXT) ^DBFOPN DOC^ 7    -Documentation for DBFOPN.BAS
 (TXT) ^DEFPRT BAS^ 4    -system operator defines printers in'PTRNAM system'
 (TXT) ^DICTON BAS^ 4    -creates a dictionary out of a sequential text file
 (TXT) ^DICTON DO ^ 1    -Associate file for DICTON.BAS
 (TXT) ^DIRHSH BAS^ 20   -Shows use of DIRHSH.SBR
 (TXT) ^DIRHSH M68^ 85   -Returns file hash and version to array (like DIR/V/H/D)
 (BIN) ^DIRHSH SBR^ 6    -Associate file for DIRHSH.BAS
 (TXT) ^DSKACT BAS^ 32   -Checks for disk activity - adds, deletes, changed hash codes
 (TXT) ^DSKDOC BAS^ 21   -Disk diagnostic
 (BIN) ^DSKDOC RUN^ 11   -Disk diagnostic
 (TXT) ^DSKDOC TXT^ 9    -Documentation for DSKDOC.BAS
 (TXT) ^DSKTST BAS^ 15   -test for known disk problems on the am-410
 (TXT) ^DSKUSE BAS^ 4    -counts disk space and bytes you are using
 (TXT) ^ERROR  BAS^ 7    -tests out error trapping
 (TXT) ^FF     BAS^ 1    -generates a form feed on printer in a CMD file
 (TXT) ^FILPRT BAS^ 13   -types ALPHA BASIC source file listings w/ options
 (TXT) ^FINDPO BAS^ 2    -tells user if I/O port is occupied or vacant
 (TXT) ^FIXDIR BAS^ 50   -updates a directory listing to current hash and version
 (TXT) ^FIXDIR DOC^ 21   -Documentation for FIXDIR.BAS
 (TXT) ^FIXOVR BAS^ 5    -fix overlays that use a "+" in 2,2 for overprint
 (TXT) ^FNDSTR BAS^ 14   -Search all files for FIRST OCCURRENCE of string
 (BIN) ^FNDSTR RUN^ 7    -Search all files for FIRST OCCURRENCE of string
 (TXT) ^FREREC BAS^ 3    -Sample program to display free records in an ISAM file
 (TXT) ^FUNKEY BAS^ 5    -quickie program to create FUNKEY.PFK
 (TXT) ^FUNKEY HLP^ 9    -Documentation for FUNKEY.BAS
 (BIN) ^GET    SBR^ 1    -Required for KBD.RUN
 (TXT) ^GETREV BAS^ 23   -creates .AGO file to grab file versions from remote system
 (TXT) ^GETREV DOC^ 20   -Documentation for GETREV.BAS
 (TXT) ^GETUSR BAS^ 2    -Displays current user name from job control block
 (BIN) ^GTCHR  SBR^ 3    -?
 (TXT) ^HELM   BAS^ 34   -edits commands submitted to the task manager
 (TXT) ^HOLDAY BAS^ 13   -find out how far away next holiday is...
 (TXT) ^INCLUD BAS^ 27   -Get a printout of all include files and XCALLS in a program
 (TXT) ^INCLUD DO ^ 1    -Associate file for INCLUD.BAS
 (TXT) ^INITPR BAS^ 1    -allocates one disk block for 'PRTNAM system'
 (TXT) ^ISAMST BAS^ 13   -display status of ISAM data files
 (TXT) ^ISMDMP BAS^ 37   -Dump your ISAM files w/ this guy
 (TXT) ^ISMEXM BAS^ 9    -^ISAM^ example program
 (TXT) ^JOBNAM M68^      -Associate file for JOBTST.BAS
 (TXT) ^JOBNUM BAS^ 1    -Returns job number of current job
 (TXT) ^JOBNUM M68^ 5    -Source for JOBNUM.SBR
 (BIN) ^JOBNUM SBR^ 1    -Associate file for JOBNUM.BAS
 (BIN) ^JOBNUM RUN^ 1    -Returns job number of current job
 (TXT) ^JOBTST BAS^ 1    -Returns current job name of terminal
 (BIN) ^JOBTST RUN^ 1    -Returns current job name of terminal
 (BIN) ^KBD    RUN^ 34   -Displays keyboard layout and hightlights keys as pressed-get GET.SBR
 (TXT) ^LABEL  BAS^ 7    -prints up 3 across labels
 (TXT) ^LABELS BAS^ 6    -menu to help printing of labels
 (TXT) ^LOCK   BAS^ 4    -displays up to 54 LOCKS from XLOCK
 (TXT) ^LOGO   BAS^ 16   -displays cute logo to screen, generates .bas file
 (TXT) ^MAKEAA BAS^ 5    -Creates A.A in P,PN's for use with ^MUFDIT^.
 (TXT) ^MEMO   BAS^ 13   -inserts text from ^MEMOPAD^ file into ^ANDI^ format
 (BIN) ^MESAG  SBR^ 2    -Associate file for REMIND.BAS
 (TXT) ^MESSAG BAS^ 3    -sends a message to a terminal
 (TXT) ^NEWCMD BAS^ 22   -looks a a directory listing and creates a CMD file
 (TXT) ^NOBRDR BSI^ 2    -Removes border drawn with BORDER.BSI
 (TXT) ^OUTPUT BAS^ 8    -program to output dacumented program listings
 (TXT) ^PASWOR BAS^ 2    -Password program
 (TXT) ^PAUSE  BSI^ 1    -Pauses BASIC routine
 (TXT) ^PREPRO BAS^ 30   -preprocessor to convert 2.0 .M68 code to "older" .M68
 (TXT) ^PFK    BAS^ 24   -Macro type action on function keys (see PFKBAS.DOC)
 (TXT) ^PFKBAS DOC^ 25   -Documentation for PFK.BAS
 (TXT) ^PRDES  BAS^ 2    -Writes descriptions to sequential file
 (TXT) ^PRESEL DDL^ 29   -ANDI selection pre-processor
 (TXT) ^PRESEL SP ^ 1    -Selection parameters for PRESEL.DDL
 (TXT) ^PRINT1 BSI^ 2    -Maps statements used with PRINT2.BSI
 (TXT) ^PRINT2 BSI^ 4    -Printer selection program
 (TXT) ^PRO    BAS^ 6    -shell program lets user only use pre-defined commands
 (TXT) ^PROLAB BAS^ 42   -Program labeling routine
 (TXT) ^PROLAB INI^ 1    -Initialization file for PROLAB.BAS
 (BIN) ^PROLAB LIT^ 44   -Self extracting archive of all PROLAB.BAS related files
 (TXT) ^RANSEQ BAS^ 5    -RANdom file to SEQuential file conversion routine
 (BIN) ^RDATE  SBR^ 1    -?
 (TXT) ^RDPRT  BAS^ 1    -Display printer names and locations
 (TXT) ^RDUSER BAS^ 2    -program to read the USER.SYS file
 (TXT) ^REMIND BAS^ 22   -Operator reminder utility
 (BIN) ^REMIND LIT^ 32   -Self-extracting archive of all REMIND.BAS related files
 (TXT) ^REPLCT BAS^ 4    -lists files of similar hash codes quick and easy
 (TXT) ^REPLCT CMD^ 1    -Associate file for REPLCT.BAS
 (TXT) ^REPLCT DOC^ 4    -Documentation for REPLCT.BAS
 (TXT) ^RETURN BAS^ 8    -types return address labels
 (TXT) ^RLOGIN BAS^ 5    -retrieve and display current login w/o using XCALLS
 (TXT) ^ROCK   BAS^ 6    -allows examination of ISAM index files
 (TXT) ^RSERCH BAS^ 53   -generic random access file search program
 (TXT) ^RSERCH DOC^ 9    -Documentation for RSERCH.BAS
 (TXT) ^SCREEN BAS^ 15   -creates a custom screen using VUE
 (TXT) ^SCREEN HLP^ 9    -Documentation for SCREEN.BAS
 (TXT) ^SELECT BAS^ 14   -line processor that resembles 1-2-3
 (TXT) ^SET925 BAS^ 6    -little tricks for the televideo 925
 (TXT) ^SETFRM BAS^ 3    -Select printer form
 (TXT) ^SEQRAN BAS^ 5    -SEQuential file to RANdom file conversion routine
 (TXT) ^SNDMSG BAS^ 7    -Associate file for REMIND.BAS
 (TXT) ^SPCPRT BAS^ 9    -print any list by columns
 (TXT) ^STNDTE BAS^ 2    -checks the STNDTE SBR just below
       ^STNDTE SBR^ 2    -Used with the Julian routines
 (TXT) ^SUMARY BAS^ 4    -lists usage summary for ^UAS^
 (TXT) ^SYSMGR BAS^ 111  -File directory program tracks information about files
 (TXT) ^TASK   BAS^ 5    -Submits 'anything' to the Task Manager via program.
 (TXT) ^TDVINF BAS^ 4    -Display name and attributes of terminal driver
 (TXT) ^TELFIX BAS^ 9    -Reads in ASCII text from remote database and parses line to 80 characters
 (TXT) ^TRKANA BAS^ 11   -Analysis for TRACK file (see TRACK.M68 [100,51])
 (TXT) ^TRKSRT BAS^ 4    -Sort routine for TRKANA.BAS
 (TXT) ^TSTDSK BAS^ 15   -Test suspect disk for errors
 (BIN) ^TSTDSK RUN^      -Test suspect disk for errors
 (TXT) ^TYPET  BAS^ 14   -creates files to be 'typeset ready'. See typet.*
 (TXT) ^TYPET  DOC^ 36   -Documentation for TYPET.BAS
 (TXT) ^TYPET  TXT^ 29   -More documentation for TYPET.BAS
 (TXT) ^TYPRAN BAS^ 16   -Types a random file to the screen - ^(T)^
 (TXT) ^TYPRAN DO^  3    -invokes ^TYPRAN^
 (TXT) ^UPC    BAS^ 13   -program to print zero-suppressed barcode labels on Okidata
 (TXT) ^USERS  BAS^ 6    -Associate file for REMIND.BAS
 (TXT) ^UTBASD BAS^ 14   -creates UTBASD.LST, a list of what each program does
 (TXT) ^UTFIXL BAS^ 7    -modifies files w/ lines longer than 510 characters
 (TXT) ^UTLMNU BAS^ 4    -Associate file for REMIND.BAS
 (TXT) ^UTRING BAS^ 10   -puts 5 spcs in file on left for ring binder holes
 (TXT) ^VCRDOC BAS^ 14   -Uses VCRDIR file to reformat and analyse tape data
 (TXT) ^VCRDOC DO ^ 1    -Associate file for VCRDOC.BAS
 (TXT) ^VCRDOC HLP^ 7    -Documentation for VCRDOC.BAS
 (TXT) ^VCRIDX BAS^ 12   -Calculate and print number of blocks per PPN in VCRDIR file
 (TXT) ^VCRIDX DOC^ 7    -Documentation for VCRIDX.BAS
 (TXT) ^VUERAN BAS^ 71   -VUE random files:see VUERAN.* (new version of RANVUE)
 (TXT) ^VUERAN DAT^ 20   -Associate file for VUERAN.BAS
 (TXT) ^VUERAN DO ^ 1    -Associate file for VUERAN.BAS
 (TXT) ^VUERAN LST^ 45   -Documentation for VUERAN.BAS
 (TXT) ^VUESCR BAS^ 10   -Demo program for VUESCR.SBR (get VUESCR.INC)
 (TXT) ^VUESCR DOC^ 10   -Documentation for VUESCR.BAS
 (TXT) ^VUESCR INC^ 4    -Associate file for VUESCR.BAS
 (BIN) ^VUESCR RUN^ 1    -Demonstrates use of VUESCR.SBR
 (BIN) ^VUESCR SBR^ 3    -Associate file for VUESCR.BAS
 (TXT) ^VUESC2 BAS^ 8    -Yet another demo for VUESCR.SBR
 (BIN) ^VUESC2 RUN^ 3    -Yet another demo for VUESCR.SBR
 (TXT) ^WATCHR BAS^ 10   -Associate file for REMIND.BAS
       ^WILD   DO^  3    -Wild carding at AMOS Command level. Slick!
 (TXT) ^WINDOW M68^ 10   -Associate file for VUESCR.BAS
 (BIN) ^WINDOW SBR^ 1    -Associate file for VUESCR.BAS
 (BIN) ^WLDSCN LIB^ 30   -?
 (BIN) ^WLDSCN SEQ^ 31   -?
 (TXT) ^XLOKS  BAS^ 6    -Displays system XLOCKs (from XLOCK.SBR)
 (TXT) ^XLOKS  CMD^ 1    -Associate file for XLOKS.BAS
       All files:
 (BIN) a.a
 (TXT) abcdef.bas
 (TXT) accfil.doc
 (BIN) accfil.lit
 (TXT) addlbl.bas
 (TXT) al.bas
 (BIN) al.run
 (TXT) ambu.dir
 (TXT) amort.bas
 (TXT) amortz.bas
 (TXT) amortz.dat
 (BIN) amortz.run
 (BIN) amos.sbr
 (BIN) anycn.sbr
 (TXT) backgd.bas
 (TXT) bbmail.bas
 (BIN) blocks.sbr
 (TXT) border.bsi
 (TXT) bus.bas
 (TXT) ccjnam.bas
 (TXT) cleant.bas
 (TXT) cleant.do
 (TXT) cleant.hlp
 (TXT) convrt.bas
 (BIN) convrt.run
 (TXT) crtlst.bas
 (TXT) dbchkd.bas
 (TXT) dbchkd.doc
 (BIN) dbchkd.run
 (TXT) dbfcls.bas
 (TXT) dbfcls.doc
 (TXT) dbfopn.bas
 (TXT) dbfopn.doc
 (TXT) defprt.bas
 (TXT) dicton.bas
 (TXT) dicton.do
 (TXT) direct.hlp
 (TXT) dirhsh.bas
 (TXT) dirhsh.m68
 (BIN) dirhsh.sbr
 (TXT) dklook.bas
 (TXT) dklook.do
 (TXT) dskact.bas
 (TXT) dskdoc.bas
 (BIN) dskdoc.run
 (TXT) dskdoc.txt
 (TXT) dsktst.bas
 (TXT) dskuse.bas
 (TXT) error.bas
 (TXT) ff.bas
 (TXT) filprt.bas
 (TXT) findpo.bas
 (TXT) fixdir.bas
 (TXT) fixdir.doc
 (BIN) fixdir.lit
 (TXT) fixovr.bas
 (TXT) fndstr.bas
 (BIN) fndstr.run
 (TXT) frerec.bas
 (TXT) funkey.bas
 (TXT) funkey.hlp
 (TXT) gbad.bas
 (BIN) get.sbr
 (TXT) getrev.bas
 (TXT) getrev.doc
 (TXT) getusr.bas
 (TXT) gfix.bas
 (BIN) gtchr.sbr
 (TXT) helm.bas
 (TXT) holday.bas
 (TXT) includ.bas
 (TXT) includ.do
 (TXT) initpr.bas
 (TXT) isamst.bas
 (TXT) ismbld.bas
 (TXT) ismbld.doc
 (TXT) ismdmp.bas
 (TXT) ismexm.bas
 (TXT) ismfix.bas
 (TXT) ismfix.doc
 (TXT) jobnam.m68
 (TXT) jobnum.bas
 (TXT) jobnum.m68
 (BIN) jobnum.run
 (BIN) jobnum.sbr
 (TXT) jobtst.bas
 (BIN) jobtst.run
 (TXT) julian.bas
 (BIN) kbd.run
 (TXT) label.bas
 (TXT) labels.bas
 (TXT) lanprt.bas
 (TXT) lanset.bas
 (TXT) lock.bas
 (TXT) logo.bas
 (TXT) mail.bas
 (TXT) makeaa.bas
 (TXT) memo.bas
 (BIN) mesag.sbr
 (TXT) messag.bas
 (TXT) mod.bas
 (TXT) newcmd.bas
 (TXT) nobrdr.bsi
 (BIN) norton.sbr
 (TXT) output.bas
 (TXT) paswor.bas
 (TXT) pause.bsi
 (TXT) pfk.bas
 (TXT) pfkbas.doc
 (TXT) prdes.bas
 (TXT) prepro.bas
 (TXT) presel.ddl
 (TXT) presel.sp
 (TXT) print1.bsi
 (TXT) print2.bsi
 (TXT) pro.bas
 (TXT) prolab.bas
 (TXT) prolab.doc
 (TXT) prolab.ini
 (BIN) prolab.lit
 (TXT) ranseq.bas
 (BIN) ranseq.run
 (BIN) rdate.sbr
 (TXT) rdprt.bas
 (TXT) rduser.bas
 (TXT) remind.bas
 (BIN) remind.lit
 (TXT) replac.bas
 (TXT) replct.bas
 (TXT) replct.cmd
 (TXT) replct.doc
 (TXT) req.bas
 (TXT) respon.bas
 (TXT) return.bas
 (TXT) rlogin.bas
 (TXT) rock.bas
 (TXT) rserch.bas
 (TXT) rserch.doc
 (TXT) samp.pfi
 (TXT) samp2.pfi
 (TXT) screen.bas
 (TXT) screen.hlp
 (TXT) select.bas
 (TXT) seqran.bas
 (BIN) seqran.run
 (TXT) set925.bas
 (TXT) setfrm.bas
 (TXT) sndmsg.bas
 (TXT) spcprt.bas
 (TXT) stndte.bas
 (TXT) sumary.bas
 (TXT) sysmgr.bas
 (TXT) task.bas
 (TXT) tdvinf.bas
 (TXT) telfix.bas
 (TXT) trkana.bas
 (TXT) trksrt.bas
 (TXT) tstdsk.bas
 (BIN) tstdsk.run
 (TXT) typet.bas
 (TXT) typet.doc
 (TXT) typet.txt
 (TXT) typran.bas
 (TXT) typran.do
 (TXT) unfld.bas
 (TXT) upc.bas
 (TXT) users.bas
 (TXT) utbasd.bas
 (TXT) utfixl.bas
 (TXT) utlmnu.bas
 (TXT) utring.bas
 (TXT) vcrdoc.bas
 (TXT) vcrdoc.do
 (TXT) vcrdoc.hlp
 (TXT) vcridx.bas
 (TXT) vcridx.doc
 (TXT) vueran.bas
 (TXT) vueran.dat
 (TXT) vueran.do
 (TXT) vueran.lst
 (TXT) vuesc2.bas
 (BIN) vuesc2.run
 (TXT) vuescr.bas
 (TXT) vuescr.doc
 (TXT) vuescr.inc
 (BIN) vuescr.run
 (BIN) vuescr.sbr
 (TXT) watchr.bas
 (TXT) window.m68
 (BIN) window.sbr
 (BIN) wldscn.lib
 (BIN) wldscn.seq
 (TXT) xloks.bas
 (TXT) xloks.cmd