(DIR) Alpha Micro Users Society (AMUS) Network Library Archive
                                     ^M68 Games^
 (BIN) ^BRIDGE LIT^    Archived bridge scoring forms - alphawrite
 (TXT) ^CHESS  M68^    Rudimentary chess game
 (BIN) ^DALEKS LIT^    Can you escape the DALEKS? - DALEKS/H for help
                       Also grab SCORES.DAL for this game.
 (BIN) ^DROP   LIT^    Tetris-like game - see DROP.LBL
 (BIN) ^DUNGEO LIT^    Adventure game
 (TXT) ^DUNGEO TXT^    Documentation for DUNGEO.LIT
 (TXT) ^MOOSE  M68^    Marvin the Magical MOOSE!
 (BIN) ^MOSAIC LIT^    The MOSAIC tile game - see MOSAIC.LBL
       ^BUGS   LIT^    Shoot them bugs - yah hooo
 (BIN) ^MOOSE  LIT^    Marvin the Magical MOOSE!
 (BIN) ^MOOSYS LIT^    Required for MOOSE.LIT
 (TXT) ^MOOSYS M68^    Required for MOOSE.LIT
 (TXT) ^MOSEFX M68^    Required for MOOSE.LIT
 (BIN) ^PONG   LIT^    Pong game
 (TXT) ^PONGII M68^    Proverbial PONG game
 (BIN) ^PONGII LIT^    Proverbial PONG game
 (TXT) ^SPACE  M68^    Space invaders.... I give it an A+
 (BIN) ^ULTRIS LIT^    Ultrasoft's Tetris-like game
 (TXT) ^ULTRIS M68^    Ultrasoft's Tetris-like game (source)
       All files:
 (BIN) a.a
 (BIN) brdgs.wrt
 (BIN) bridge.lit
 (BIN) bridge.wrt
 (TXT) bugs.m68
 (BIN) chess.lit
 (TXT) chess.m68
 (BIN) daleks.lit
 (TXT) direct.hlp
 (TXT) drop.lbl
 (BIN) drop.lit
 (BIN) dungeo.lit
 (TXT) dungeo.txt
 (BIN) moose.lit
 (TXT) moose.m68
 (BIN) moosys.lit
 (TXT) moosys.m68
 (TXT) mosaic.lbl
 (BIN) mosaic.lit
 (TXT) mosefx.m68
 (BIN) pong.lit
 (BIN) pongii.lit
 (TXT) pongii.m68
 (TXT) scores.dal
 (BIN) space.lit
 (TXT) space.m68
 (BIN) ultold.lit
 (TXT) ultold.m68
 (BIN) ultris.lit
 (TXT) ultris.m68