(DIR) Alpha Micro Users Society (AMUS) Network Library Archive
                       DSK2:100,52     XCALL SUBROUTINES
 (TXT) ^ADDCUR M68^ 3    SBR to return cursor address in string "(x,y)"
 (TXT) ^AMOS   M68^ 11   XCALL AMOS from within BASIC
 (TXT) ^AMOSQ  M68^ 10   Same as ^AMOS.M68^ but silent output
 (TXT) ^ANYKEY M68^ 1    Subroutine to resume execution of program on keyboard input
 (TXT) ^ATTACH M68^ 7    SBR to attach job to another terminal
 (TXT) ^AUXSBR M68^ 19   SBR to send file as output through auxilary port
 (TXT) ^BANER  M68^ 18   SBR to scroll a banner across the screen
 (TXT) ^BASE   M68^ 5    SBR to return base memory location of a given module
 (TXT) ^BASGET M68^ 3    Subroutine to simulate a BASIC GET$
       ^BAUDSR M68^ 4    Change baud rates from within BASIC
 (TXT) ^BLOCKS M68^ 12   Determine largest contiguous block space & total free blks
 (TXT) ^BOX    M68^ 8    SBR to draw a box
 (TXT) ^CHGMOD M68^ 5    Change a LOADed memory module name in user memory
 (TXT) ^CHRCUR M68^ 3    SBR to read the character under cursor into A$
 (TXT) ^CMPCRC M68^ 2    SBR to compute CRC total as input argument and return that
 (TXT) ^COMPI1 M68^ 1    Patch disables duplicate line number checking of COMPIL 1.1
 (TXT) ^CONCAT M68^ 9    Concatenate files
 (BIN) ^CONCAT SBR^ 2    Concatenate files
 (TXT) ^CONT   M68^ 4    Converts sequential files to random files
       ^COPY   M69^ 9    SBR to make a copy of a file
 (TXT) ^CRTO   M68^ 8    SBR that displays message on line 24 w/ error codes etc.
 (TXT) ^CTRLC  M68^ 13   SBR to enable or disable Control-C on any or all jobs.
 (TXT) ^DATE   M68^ 34   Fancy DATE subroutine
 (TXT) ^DATE2  M68^ 10   SBR for mm/dd/yyyy - 2 byte format conversion
       ^DATES  HLP^ 4    Documentation for DATES
 (TXT) ^DATES  M68^ 28   Fancy date utility - many options
       ^DATES  SBR^ 7    Fancy date utility - many options
 (TXT) ^DATES2 M68^ 28   Multiple date operations
 (TXT) ^DAY    M68^ 17   Calculates day of the week
 (TXT) ^DAYTIM M68^ 4    Display date and time
 (TXT) ^DEVICE M68^ 4    Get a list of devices from current system-get XCALL.SBR
 (BIN) ^DEVICE SBR^ 1    Associate file for DEVICE.M68
 (TXT) ^DEVSYM M68^ 1    Device table symbolic definitions
 (TXT) ^DIR    M68^ 21   Returns array filled with filenames from device/PPN
 (TXT) ^DIRHSH M68^ 85   Returns file hash totals and versions into an array
 (TXT) ^DIRHSH BAS^ 20   An example program showing the use of DIRHSH.SBR
 (BIN) ^DIRHSH SBR^ 6    Returns file hash totals and versions into an array
 (TXT) ^DISKIO M68^ 14   Disk block I/O from BASIC
 (TXT) ^DSKFRE M68^  9   Return the largest free contiguous block and total number free blocks
 (BIN) ^DSKFRE SBR^      Return the largest free contiguous block and total number free blocks
 (TXT) ^DSKPPN M68^ 4    Returns currently login device & PPN
 (BIN) ^DSKPPN SBR^ 1    Returns currently login device and PPN
 (BIN) ^ECHO   SBR^ 1    ? From Micro Sciences
 (TXT) ^ED     M68^ 13   VUE-like editing facility for (interactive) BASIC
 (TXT) ^EDIT   M68^ 36   SBR to check validity of CRT input
 (TXT) ^ERROR  M68^ 18   SBR to report all BASIC errors to screen and/or file
 (TXT) ^FILEIN M68^  6   Reads input from sequential file
 (TXT) ^FILTER M68^ 6    Filters garbage out of files
 (TXT) ^FNDMOD M68^ 5    Find a memory module in user memory if there
 (TXT) ^FORMS  M68^ 14   Printer functions w/ forms from within BASIC
 (TXT) ^GET    M68^ 4    SBR to wait for 1 keystoke
 (TXT) ^GETCOM M68^ 2    SBR to get common storage area
 (TXT) ^GETLOG M68^ 7    SBR to return current log
 (TXT) ^GLOBAL M68^ 10   SBR that acts very much like >R{eplace} from within VUE
 (TXT) ^HANG   M68^ 3    SBR to flip bit RTS on ADIT I/O board to hang up phone
 (TXT) ^HASH   M68^ 11   Calculate hash totals from basic
 (TXT) ^HEADER M68^ 4    SBR to clear the screen and display a header
 (TXT) ^INKEY  M68^ 4    Simulates a GETCHR in BASIC - program continues if no input
 (TXT) ^INKEY2 M68^ 4    SBR to "replace" ACCEPT subroutine
 (TXT) ^INPTMR DOC^      Documentation for INPTMR.M68
 (BIN) ^INPTMR LIT^      Self extracting archive of INPTMR.*
 (TXT) ^INPTMR M68^      SBR to get input from input buffer with timeout function
 (BIN) ^INPTMR RUN^      Demonstration program for use of INPTMR.SBR
 (TXT) ^INTSYS M68^ 8    SBR translates internal date format to system date format
 (TXT) ^IOPORT M68^ 4    SBR sends chars to other's output port
 (TXT) ^ISAM1  M68^ 3    Retrieves rec. and blk counters from .IDX files (see FREREC)
 (TXT) ^JAMIT  M68^ 7    Chain from AlphaWrite to BASIC and back again
 (TXT) ^JOBARY M68^ 4    SBR to return all JOBs in a string array
 (TXT) ^JOBCMD M68^ 5    Set/clear JOBCMD field in Job Control Block
 (BIN) ^JOBCMD SBR^ 1    Set/clear JOBCMD field in Job Control Block
 (TXT) ^JOBNUM M68^ 5    Returns job's number in job table
 (TXT) ^JOBPRG M68^ 5    Get jobname from system into BASIC program
 (BIN) ^JOBPRG SBR^ 1    Get jobname from system into BASIC program
 (TXT) ^JOBNAM M68^ 3    SBR to return JOBNAME - works with MULTI
 (TXT) ^JOBUSN M68^ 10   Return AMOS system user name
 (BIN) ^JOBUSN SBR^ 1    Return AMOS system user name
 (TXT) ^JULIAN M68^ 20   Dates kept track of by Julian.
 (TXT) ^LOGPPN M68^ 4    Return PPN in a XCALL subroutine (also see XPPN below)
 (BIN) ^NOTIFY SBR^ 1    Terminal message sending utility - see NOTIFY.BAS
 (TXT) ^PACMAN M68^ 2    SBR sets up terminal for PACMAN.BAS
 (TXT) ^PASWRD M68^      SBR to take password as input and return to basic program
 (TXT) ^PHDR   M68^ 8    SBR to return BASIC program's name and version
 (TXT) ^PTR    M68^ 15   Scan spooler queue and find printer names
 (TXT) ^PROGS  M68^ 8    Returns program name for all jobs - see PROGS.BAS
 (TXT) ^PROMPT M68^ 2    SBR prompt for Row, Column
 (TXT) ^PRTS   M68^ 21   Updated version of ^PTR^ above
 (TXT) ^PUTBUF M68^ 8    input a sting in LINEED's input buffer within BASIC
 (TXT) ^PUTCOM M68^ 2    SBR to put data into common storage area
 (TXT) ^RDATE  M68^ 5    SBR to replace RDATE.SBR for BASIC+-returns date to BASIC program
 (TXT) ^RDDISK M68^ 3    SBR to read a disk block by block
 (TXT) ^REDREC M68^ 8    Read record from sequential file into buffer
 (TXT) ^RELOG  M68^ 7    SBR logs you to different loc., returns "old PPN"
 (TXT) ^RENAME M68^ 3    SBR to rename files
 (TXT) ^REPLAC M68^ 11   SBR to replace a string just like >R in VUE
 (TXT) ^SAMPLE BAS^ 1    Sample program using TDVNAM.SBR
 (TXT) ^SETFRM M68^ 3    SBR to set forms on printers
       ^SETIME M68^      Set time from BASIC on an ^ELS^
 (TXT) ^SETLOG M68^ 5    SBR to set log
 (TXT) ^SLEEP  M68^ 2    SBR to put job to sleep for # seconds
 (TXT) ^SOUNDX M68^ 8    SBR to return soundex code of text string
 (TXT) ^SPOOL  M68^ 25   SBR to replace AM's SPOOL.SBR(1.0)
 (TXT) ^STNDTE M68^ 2    SBR which is used for Julian date storage.
 (TXT) ^STRCTL M68^ 5    SBR to replace unprintable ASCII characters w/ a "."
 (TXT) ^STRIPS M68^ 5    SBR to strip whitespace and fill with "pad" character
 (TXT) ^SVLIN  M68^ 10   SBR to read in a SV file one line at a time.
 (TXT) ^SYSINT M68^ 4    SBR translates system date format to internal date format
 (TXT) ^SYSTEM M68^ 10   Allows system calls from BASIC
       ^SYSSYM LST^ 8    Text list of System Symbols
 (TXT) ^TCRT   M68^ 11   SBR to return TCRT calls to a BASIC string.
 (TXT) ^TDVNAM M68^ 4    SBR returns terminal driver name of JOB executing SBR
 (TXT) ^THEDOT M68^ 6    SBR returns "T" if JOB will accept a FORCE
 (TXT) ^TIME   M68^ 5    Change time from within BASIC
 (TXT) ^TIMEIN M68^ 14   Obtain input from terminal input buffer-time out if no input in give # seconds
 (TXT) ^TRIM   M68^ 7    SBR to "trim" whitespace from strings
 (TXT) ^TRMADR M68^ 6    SBR to return terminal control block address
 (TXT) ^TRMTYP M68^ 16   Terminal definition returned within BASIC
 (TXT) ^TSTARG M68^ 5    SBR to report XCALL arguments
 (TXT) ^USRCHK M68^ 20   SBR to turn off CRT screen
 (TXT) ^USERNO M68^ 3    SBR to report user's job number
 (TXT) ^VERIFY M68^ 5    SBR to verify if module loaded
 (TXT) ^VUE    M68^ 9    SBR to allow use of VUE
 (TXT) ^VUESCR M68^ 25   SBR to allow use of VUE and MUCH BETTER than VUE above
 (TXT) ^WAITSB M68^ 7    SBR to wait (1/10th of second intervals)
 (TXT) ^WHOBAS M68^ 15   List information about current job
 (BIN) ^WHOBAS SBR^ 1    SBR to list information about current job
 (TXT) ^WILD   DO ^ 4    enhanced D.M.S. wildcarder
 (TXT) ^WINDOW M68^ 10   Create user defined input box... see ^VUESBR.BAS^
 (TXT) ^WLDUNV M68^ 1    WLDSCN universal file
 (TXT) ^WRDISK M68^ 3    SBR to write a disk block by block
 (TXT) ^WRTREC M68^ 5    Write a record to a sequential file from a buffer
 (TXT) ^XCALL  M68^ 35   SBR to XCALL XCALLs-used for DEVICE.M68
 (TXT) ^XCALL2 M68^ 2    Provides the programmer with the XCALL argument list
 (TXT) ^XPPN   M68^ 8    SBR to return user's PPN, Jobname, and Terminal name
       All files:
 (BIN) a.a
 (TXT) addcur.m68
 (TXT) allsbr.lst
 (TXT) amos.m68
 (TXT) amosq.m68
 (TXT) anykey.m68
 (TXT) attach.m68
 (TXT) auxsbr.bas
 (TXT) auxsbr.doc
 (TXT) auxsbr.m68
 (TXT) baner.m68
 (BIN) baner.sbr
 (TXT) base.m68
 (TXT) basget.m68
 (BIN) baud.sbr
 (TXT) baudsb.m68
 (TXT) blocks.m68
 (BIN) blocks.sbr
 (TXT) bma.lst
 (TXT) box.m68
 (BIN) box.sbr
 (TXT) chgmod.m68
 (TXT) chrcur.m68
 (BIN) chunks.lit
 (TXT) chunks.m68
 (BIN) chunks.sbr
 (TXT) cmdlin.m68
 (TXT) cmpcrc.m68
 (TXT) compi1.m68
 (TXT) concat.m68
 (BIN) concat.sbr
 (TXT) cont.m68
 (BIN) cont.obj
 (BIN) cont.sbr
 (TXT) copy.m68
 (TXT) crto.m68
 (TXT) ctljob.m68
 (BIN) ctljob.sbr
 (TXT) ctrlc.m68
 (TXT) date.m68
 (BIN) date.sbr
 (TXT) date2.m68
 (TXT) dates.m68
 (BIN) dates.unv
 (TXT) dates2.m68
 (TXT) dates3.hlp
 (TXT) dates3.m68
 (BIN) dates3.sbr
 (TXT) dates4.doc
 (TXT) dates4.m68
 (BIN) dates4.obj
 (BIN) dates4.sbr
 (BIN) dates4.unv
 (TXT) day.m68
 (TXT) daytim.m68
 (TXT) device.m68
 (BIN) device.sbr
 (TXT) devsym.m68
 (BIN) devtbl.arc
 (BIN) devtbl.lit
 (TXT) dir.m68
 (TXT) direct.hlp
 (TXT) direct.lst
 (TXT) dirhsh.bas
 (TXT) dirhsh.m68
 (BIN) dirhsh.sbr
 (TXT) diskio.m68
 (BIN) dskfre.arc
 (TXT) dskfre.bas
 (TXT) dskfre.doc
 (BIN) dskfre.lit
 (TXT) dskfre.m68
 (BIN) dskfre.run
 (BIN) dskfre.sbr
 (TXT) dskppn.m68
 (BIN) dskppn.sbr
 (BIN) echo.sbr
 (TXT) ed.m68
 (TXT) edit.m68
 (BIN) edit.sbr
 (TXT) error.m68
 (TXT) error.txt
 (TXT) filein.m68
 (TXT) filter.m68
 (TXT) fndmod.m68
 (TXT) forms.m68
 (TXT) freesp.m68
 (TXT) frerec.bas
 (TXT) get.m68
 (TXT) getcom.m68
 (TXT) getlog.m68
 (TXT) global.m68
 (TXT) hang.m68
 (TXT) hash.m68
 (TXT) header.m68
 (TXT) inkey.m68
 (BIN) inkey.sbr
 (TXT) inkey2.m68
 (BIN) inptmr.arc
 (TXT) inptmr.bas
 (TXT) inptmr.doc
 (BIN) inptmr.lit
 (TXT) inptmr.m68
 (BIN) inptmr.run
 (BIN) inptmr.sbr
 (TXT) intsys.m68
 (TXT) ioport.m68
 (TXT) isam1.m68
 (TXT) jamit.m68
 (TXT) jim.m68
 (BIN) jim.obj
 (BIN) jim.sbr
 (TXT) jobary.m68
 (TXT) jobcmd.m68
 (BIN) jobcmd.sbr
 (TXT) jobnam.m68
 (BIN) jobnam.sbr
 (TXT) jobnum.m68
 (BIN) jobnum.sbr
 (TXT) jobprg.m68
 (BIN) jobprg.sbr
 (TXT) jobtrm.m68
 (BIN) jobtrm.sbr
 (TXT) jobtst.bas
 (BIN) jobtst.run
 (TXT) jobusn.m68
 (BIN) jobusn.sbr
 (TXT) julian.m68
 (BIN) julian.obj
 (TXT) lforce.m68
 (TXT) logppn.m68
 (TXT) maclib.m68
 (BIN) maclib.unv
 (BIN) memlod.sbr
 (TXT) newppn.m68
 (TXT) notify.bas
 (BIN) notify.sbr
 (TXT) pacman.m68
 (TXT) paswrd.m68
 (BIN) paswrd.obj
 (BIN) paswrd.sbr
 (TXT) phdr.m68
 (TXT) progs.bas
 (TXT) progs.m68
 (BIN) progs.run
 (BIN) progs.sbr
 (TXT) progs2.bas
 (TXT) progs2.m68
 (BIN) progs2.run
 (BIN) progs2.sbr
 (TXT) prompt.m68
 (TXT) prts.m68
 (TXT) ptr.m68
 (TXT) putbuf.m68
 (TXT) putcom.m68
 (TXT) rdate.m68
 (TXT) rddisk.m68
 (TXT) redrec.m68
 (TXT) relog.m68
 (TXT) relogs.m68
 (BIN) relogs.sbr
 (TXT) rename.m68
 (TXT) replac.m68
 (BIN) rinkey.sbr
 (TXT) sample.bas
 (BIN) sample.run
 (TXT) sbrhdr.m68
 (TXT) setfrm.m68
 (TXT) setlog.m68
 (TXT) setsts.m68
 (TXT) sharon.lst
 (TXT) sleep.m68
 (TXT) soundx.m68
 (BIN) soundx.sbr
 (TXT) spool.m68
 (BIN) spool.sbr
 (TXT) stndte.m68
 (TXT) strctl.m68
 (TXT) strips.m68
 (TXT) svlin.m68
 (TXT) sysint.m68
 (TXT) system.m68
 (BIN) system.sbr
 (TXT) tcrt.m68
 (TXT) tdvnam.m68
 (TXT) thedot.m68
 (TXT) time.m68
 (TXT) timein.m68
 (TXT) tname.m68
 (TXT) trim.m68
 (TXT) trmadr.m68
 (TXT) trmtyp.m68
 (TXT) tstarg.m68
 (BIN) ttyin.sbr
 (BIN) udcpr.sbr
 (TXT) userno.m68
 (TXT) usrchk.doc
 (TXT) usrchk.m68
 (TXT) verify.m68
 (TXT) vue.m68
 (TXT) vuescr.m68
 (TXT) waitsb.m68
 (TXT) wheriz.bas
 (BIN) wheriz.sbr
 (TXT) whobas.m68
 (BIN) whobas.sbr
 (TXT) wild.do
 (TXT) window.m68
 (TXT) wldunv.m68
 (TXT) wrdisk.m68
 (TXT) wrtrec.m68
 (TXT) xcall.m68
 (BIN) xcall.obj
 (BIN) xcall.sbr
 (TXT) xcall2.m68
 (TXT) xppn.m68