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       Headlines are current as of the date listed.
 (TXT) Democracy Now! Headlines January 4, 2012: Romney Edges Out Santorum by 8 Votes in Iowa Caucus 
 (TXT) Democracy Now! Headlines January 4, 2012: Obama Talks Re-Election in Iowa Address 
 (TXT) Democracy Now! Headlines January 4, 2012: Iran Threatens Response over U.S. in Gulf 
 (TXT) Democracy Now! Headlines January 4, 2012: Taliban Suggests Potential of U.S. Talks 
 (TXT) Democracy Now! Headlines January 4, 2012: Ecuadorian Court Upholds Chevron Fine for Amazon Pollution 
 (TXT) Democracy Now! Headlines January 4, 2012: Israeli, Palestinian Negotiators Meet in Jordan 
 (TXT) Democracy Now! Headlines January 4, 2012: Washington State Governor to Back Gay Marriage 
 (TXT) Democracy Now! Headlines January 4, 2012: Suspect Confesses to New York City Arsons at Religious Sites