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       Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America,
       a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in
       the public domain. Images are stripped for technical reasons.
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       Headlines are current as of the date listed.
 (TXT) September 17, 2009:  Obama Unveils New Approach to Missile Defense Program
 (TXT) September 17, 2009: Obama, Medvedev Expected to Review Progress on Treaty to Replace START I
 (TXT) September 17, 2009: Car Bomb Kills 16 in Afghanistan
 (TXT) September 17, 2009: Afghan President Denies Major Fraud in Tainted Election
 (TXT) September 17, 2009: Terrorism Mastermind Killed During Police Raid in Indonesia
 (TXT) September 17, 2009: EU Leaders Seek Unified Position Ahead of G20 Summit
 (TXT) September 17, 2009: Suicide Bombers Strike AU Peacekeeper Base in Somalia
 (TXT) September 17, 2009: Millennium Challenge Corporation Grants Senegal $540 million to Reduce Poverty
 (TXT) September 17, 2009: Obama Pushes Chicago Olympic Bid
 (TXT) September 17, 2009: Mary Travers of Folk Group Peter, Paul and Mary Dies