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       Originally posted by the Voice of America.
       Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America,
       a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in
       the public domain.
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       Headlines are current as of the date listed.
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: HRW Concerned About China Mental Health Law
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Pakistani Prosecutor in Bhutto Case Gunned Down
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Bangladesh Death Toll Rises
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Obama to Conclude Mexican Visit, Move on to Costa Rica
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Syrian Opposition Condemns 'Large-Scale Massacre' by Government Forces
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Pakistani Prosecutor in Bhutto Case Shot Dead
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Bangladesh Factories Death Toll Passes 500
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Bangladesh Factories Death Toll Passes 500
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Pakistani Prosecutor in Bhutto Case Gunned Down
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Obama to Conclude Mexican Visit, Travel to Costa Rica
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Boston Bombing Suspect Says July 4 Was Target Date
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Pakistani Prosecutor in Bhutto Case Gunned Down
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Last South Korean Workers Leave North Korean Factory Complex
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: US Unemployment Rate Drops to 7.5%
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: India's Popular Bollywood Film Industry Turns 100
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Building Collapses Outside Dhaka, Bangladesh
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: US Military Plane Crashes in Kyrgyzstan
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Young Voters Key to Malaysia's Hotly Contested Election
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: US, S. Korea Summit to Focus on Security, Economic Ties
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Australia Outlines Defense Roadmap
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Malawi Activists Worry About President's Refusal to Sign Press Accord
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Pakistan's Religious Parties Vie for Votes in National Elections
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Lindsay Lohan Skips Out on Court-Ordered Rehab
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: President Barack Obama Visits Mexico, Costa Rica
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Obama Vows Immigration Reform During Mexican Visit
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Britain Invites ICC-Indicted Kenyan Leader to London
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Smithsonian Showcases Talents of US Artisans
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Kenyan Leader, Charged by ICC, Invited to Somalia Meeting in London
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Bangladeshi Minister: Factory Collapse Not "Serious"
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Bollywood Turns 100
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Libyan Army Stationed for Pro-Government Rally
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Developing Countries to Benefit From Cleaner Cook Stoves
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: 4 Officials Suspended in S. Africa's Widening Gupta Scandal
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: US Calls for Shutting Down Iran, North Korea Arms Networks
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Reports: Boston Bombs Built in Older Suspect's Home
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: South Africa Suspends 5 After Private Plane Uses Air Force Base
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Religious Violence Spreads in Burma
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Former Microsoft Exec Brings Books to World's Poorest Children
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Indonesia Foils Terror Attack on Burmese Embassy
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: New 'Star Trek' Film Shows Franchise Could Still Live Long
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Eurozone Economy Faces Another Bad Year
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Taking Sides in Syria is Hard Choice for Israel
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Political Crackdown Marks Putin's First Year Back in Kremlin
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Indian Farmers on Frontline of 'Hidden Hunger' Fight
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: May 3, 2013
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: China's Meat Market Infested by Rats
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: U.S. Media Advocates Warn Against Repression in South Sudan
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: US Military Plane Crashes in Kyrgyzstan
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Syrian Opposition Condemns 'Large-Scale Massacre' by Government Forces
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: UNESCO Acts to Ensure Journalists' Safety
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Patients and MSF Staff Flee Fighting in Pinga
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Images from Syria
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Rain Affects US Corn Crop
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Press Freedom Gets Mixed Report Card in Europe
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: US Treads Carefully on Syria Chemical Weapons Question
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: South Africa Row Sparks Debate Over Foreign Aid In Britain
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Retired Racehorse Finds Calling as Abstract Painter
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Solar-powered Plane Takes Off For Flight Across US
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Austerity Seriously Affecting Health in Europe, North America
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: China: Japan, Allies Risk 'Long-Term Damage' Over Islands
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Southern California Coast Wildfire Threatens 4,000 Homes
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Analysts Concerned Over Impact of Closer US-Russia Anti-Terrorism Cooperation on Caucasus
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Madagascar's President Breaks Pledge Not to Run in Vote
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Bangladesh Disaster Calls Attention to Worldwide Garment Industry
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Bangladesh Disaster Calls Attention to Worldwide Garment Industry
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Who Are the Candidates in Pakistan's Election?
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Who Are the Candidates in Pakistan's Election?
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Obama: No Scenario for US Troops in Syria
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Report: Boston Bombing Suspect Died from Gunshot wounds, Blunt Trauma
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: U.S. Media Advocates Warn of Repression in South Sudan
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Sudanese Traders Killed in South Sudan Ambush
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: New York Museum to Return 10th Century Statues to Cambodia
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Diehard South Sudan Rebels Warn of More Attacks
 (TXT) Voice of America Headlines May 03, 2013: Fire Season Starts Early in California