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       Headlines are current as of the date listed.
 (TXT) Wikinews Headlines December 10, 2013: Mary Barra appointed as General Motors chief
 (TXT) Wikinews Headlines December 10, 2013: Local government elections held in Balochistan, Pakistan
 (TXT) Wikinews Headlines December 10, 2013: Sepp Blatter pick for FIFA World Cup draw presenter labelled as sexist
 (TXT) Wikinews Headlines December 10, 2013: Comic Relief funds allegeldy invested in arms, alcohol and tobacco firms
 (TXT) Wikinews Headlines December 10, 2013: Embassies across London lower their flags in honour of Nelson Mandela
 (TXT) Wikinews Headlines December 10, 2013: UK Government announce same-sex weddings to start from March 29