Weather Data and 7-Day Forecast for ZIP 97526 (42.54 N, -123.35 W)
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 (DIR) Weather maps and forecasts via Floodgap Groundhog
       Weather data is cached for up to two hours. Do not rely on this
       service to determine if a dangerous weather condition exists.
          Date      High  Low  Precip%   Conditions and Notes
       ----------  ----- ----- -AM-PM-  ---------------------------------------------
       2024-05-18   64 F  40 F  0%  0%    Mostly Sunny
       2024-05-19   56 F  41 F  0%  1%    Mostly Sunny
       2024-05-20   61 F  42 F  0%  0%    Mostly Sunny
       2024-05-21   65 F  49 F  1%  4%    Partly Sunny
       2024-05-22   61 F  42 F  6%  2%    Mostly Sunny
       2024-05-23   61 F  45 F  2%  5%    Partly Sunny
       2024-05-24   65 F       15%        Mostly Sunny