(TXT) 1.txt - Introduction (by TCLH)
 (TXT) 2.txt - Phrack Prophile on The PaX Team (by TCLH)
 (TXT) 3.txt - Phrack World News (by TCLH)
 (TXT) 4.txt - Abusing the Objective C runtime (by Nemo)
 (TXT) 5.txt - Backdooring Juniper Firewalls (by Graeme)
 (TXT) 6.txt - Exploiting DLmalloc frees in 2009 (by Huku)
 (TXT) 7.txt - Persistent BIOS infection (by .aLS & Alfredo)
 (TXT) 8.txt - Exploiting UMA : FreeBSD kernel heap exploits (by Argp & Karl)
 (TXT) 9.txt - Exploiting TCP Persist Timer Infiniteness (by Ithilgore)
 (TXT) 10.txt - Malloc Des-Maleficarum (by Blackngel)
 (TXT) 11.txt - A Real SMM Rootkit (by Core collapse)
 (TXT) 12.txt - Alphanumeric RISC ARM Shellcode (by Y.Younan & P.Philippaerts)
 (TXT) 13.txt - Power cell buffer overflow (by BSDaemon)
 (TXT) 14.txt - Binary Mangling with Radare (by Pancake)
 (TXT) 15.txt - Linux Kernel Heap Tempering Detection (by Larry H.)
 (TXT) 16.txt - Developing MacOSX Rootkits (by Wowie & Ghalen)
 (TXT) 17.txt - How close are they of hacking your brain? (by Dahut)