# atx vs. SETEXT (Beyond README 2)
                           ... written by lambda
       The CommonMark spec incorporates two different styles for
       headings: SETEXT and atx. For my documents I prefer using
       atx before SETEXT for the following reasons.
       ## Subsubsections
       atx-style allows for all 6 headings of html, while
       SETEXT-style allows for only two.  This urges a SETEXT-style
       user to drop subsubsections (or switch to atx-style at this
       point). A style that doesn't implement subsubsections is
       rather difficult to use for writing technical documents
       (i.e. manuals, README files) for they often require
       subsubsections for presenting examples.
       ## Uniformity and Consistency
       When I don't need subsubsections - mostly while writing
       posts - I simply don't see it as a valid reason for
       switching to another style.  I'd rather have one style to
       write $THEM all.
       ## Less markup-only lines
       Using the SETEXT-style makes me spend an additional line of
       code per heading on markup, which I don't like. I'd rather
       use blanks.
       # References
 (HTM) </www>   Announcement and intro to atx.
       Last Access: 2018-03-26. Written by Aaron Swartz.
 (HTM) </www>   Announcement of the first installment of the setext mailing list
       Last Access: 2018-03-26.
 (HTM) </www>   The CommonMark Spec
       Last Access: 2018-03-26.
 (HTM) </www>   SETEXT-Style
       Last Access: 2018-03-26.
 (HTM) </www>   atx-Style
       Last Access: 2018-03-26.