2024-03-16 BLOG - GOPHER - ELPHER Copies of my blog posts are available as Gopher posts. Here is how. Why? ==== Because it is simple. Apart from the text itself, Gopher comes with is very little distraction. If only all professional systems could be like that. Thanks, Matto[0], for the encouragement. Install Gophernicus =================== For serving gopher, we use Gophernicus[1]. It's available on Debian, so installing it is, like: ,---- | apt install gophernicus `---- Configuring =========== The Debian packagers explain they expect gopher files to be in /srv/gopher. That needs to be created. ,---- | mkdir /srv/gopher/ `---- Add content =========== Put some basic content, such as the sample gophermap. ,---- | cp /usr/share/doc/gophernicus/examples/gophermap.sample /srv/gopher/gophermap `---- Then, spend a weekend writing Emacs Lisp utilities to export and re-format all Org-mode blogs to Ascii. Converters ========== The biggest challenge are image links and hyperlinks. You need to turn text like this: ,---- | Here is some text with a hyperlink [Example 123456]. `---- into a footnote, in two steps: ,---- | Here is some text with a hyperlink Example 1234561[1]. `---- With, at the end of the ASCII export text, replacing this: ,---- | [Example 123456]: |https://example.org/cgi-bin/report.cgi?=123456 `---- by: ,---- | [1]: : https://example.org/cgi-bin/report.cgi?=123456 `---- Use Elpher ========== Emacs has a Gopher client, Elpher, which you can install from Elpa/Melpa easily: ,---- | M-x package-install RET elpher RET `---- and run it: ,---- | M-x elpher `---- use 'g' to visit your new gopher site: elpher.jpg[2] [0]: gopher://box.matto.nl [1]: http://www.gophernicus.org/ [2] gopher://gopher.hillenius.net/I/images/elpher.jpg