2023-12-29 HONK! MY FIRST SYSTEMD TIMER Along with the update of Honk[1] to version 1.2[2], I add a systemd timer to keep its database lean. I add two files in /etc/systemd/system: • honk-daily-cleanup.timer • honk-daily-cleanup.service honk-daily-cleanup.timer looks like this: ,---- | [Unit] | Description="Timer for the daily honk database cleanup" | | [Timer] | Unit=honk-database-cleanup-timer.service | OnBootSec=30min | OnUnitActiveSec=1day | | [Install] | WantedBy=timers.target `---- And honk-daily-cleanup.service is: ,---- | [Unit] | Description="Honk database cleanup" | | [Service] | Type=simple | WorkingDirectory=/usr/local/bin/honk | ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/honk/honk -datadir /var/lib/honk cleanup | User=honk | Group=honk `---- I then add the timer like this: ,---- | enable honk-daily-cleanup.timer `---- And this will run the service daily. ,---- | systemctl status honk-daily-cleanup.timer `---- will show something like: ,---- | ● honk-daily-cleanup.timer - "Timer for the daily honk database cleanup" | Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/honk-daily-cleanup.timer; enabled; preset: enabled) | Active: active (waiting) since Wed 2023-12-27 11:12:08 CET; 1 day 22h ago | Trigger: Fri 2023-12-29 11:12:11 CET; 1h 58min left | Triggers: ● honk-daily-cleanup.service | | systemd[1]: Started honk-daily-cleanup.timer - "Timer for the daily honk database cleanup". `---- And ,---- | systemctl status honk-daily-cleanup.service `---- will show something like: ,---- | ○ honk-daily-cleanup.service - "Honk database cleanup" | Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/honk-daily-cleanup.service; static) | Active: inactive (dead) since Thu 2023-12-28 11:12:38 CET; 22h ago | Duration: 27.498s | TriggeredBy: ● honk-daily-cleanup.timer | Process: 2989903 ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/honk/honk -datadir /var/lib/honk cleanup (code=exited, | status=0/SUCCESS) | Main PID: 2989903 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) | CPU: 1.038s | | Dec 28 11:12:11 systemd[1]: Started honk-daily-cleanup.service - "Honk database cleanup". | Dec 28 11:12:38 systemd[1]: honk-daily-cleanup.service: Deactivated successfully. | Dec 28 11:12:38 systemd[1]: honk-daily-cleanup.service: Consumed 1.038s CPU time. `---- [1]: https://humungus.tedunangst.com/r/honk [2]: https://humungus.tedunangst.com/r/honk/d