2021-02-02 ORG-MODE PIECHART IN A HURRY (3D!) I needed a pie chart, and had very little time. R and Org-mode to the rescue. I started on stackoverflow[1]. However, I wanted a slightly more pronounced image. To save others time, here is how you add plotrix. The result: foo.jpg[2] First, make sure you have plotrix. ,---- | apt install r-cran-plotrix `---- ,---- | #+TBLNAME:foo | | population in % | continent | | |-----------------+-------------------| | | 59.5 | Asia | | | 17.2 | Africa | | | 9.6 | Europe | | | 7.6 | North America | | | 5.5 | South America | | | 0.55 | Australia/Oceania | | | 0.0001 | Antartica | | | (source: https://www.worldometers.info/geography/7-continents/) | | | #+name: name-of-result-block-in-org-file | #+begin_src R :results file graphics :file foo.jpg :var foo=foo :width 600 | library(plotrix) | pie3D(foo[,1],labels=foo[,2],explode = 0.1, main = "Where people live") | #+end_src `---- You generate the image with C-c C-c anywhere. That will add a few lines ,---- | #+RESULTS: name-of-result-block-in-org-file | [[file:foo.jpg]] `---- You can read more about Org-mode and R here: https://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-R/org-R.html [1]: https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/53416/draw-pie-chart-from-orgmode-table [2]: gopher://gopher.hillenius.net/I/images/foo.jpg