2024-03-29 ZNC AND RCIRC AND AUTHINFO.PGP The password needs to be in quotes. I followed Matto's advice on gopher[1] "Chatting with Emacs rcirc and ZNC" to combine rcirc and znc. rcirc comes with support for auth-sources, but it took me a while to figure out my mistake in authinfo.gpg. With the help of folks on #rcirc ... I found the znc password needs to be in quotes, like this: ,---- | machine :user :port password "nick/channel:supersecretpass" `---- And then you configure rcirc, pointing it to your znc server like this. ,---- | (setq rcirc-server-alist '(("" | :port | :encryption tls | :nick "" | :full-name "") `---- to check if there is a matching line. [1] gopher://box.matto.nl