# Old Computer Challenge July 2023 ## Day 1 Day one was a bit of a write off due to me not wanting to start investing time in setting up the software on the machine as I thought I would have to start from scratch once the CF card arrived. I had some basic settings that I'd worked out during my preparation[1] for the challenge that would give me a good starting point. Toward the end of day one the CF card arrived but sadly the computer didn't like it and would hang after the point of identifying it as an ATA device. To cut a long story short I ended up back on the SCSI subsystem and with an external USB sound card, so at least I had audio for the week. ## Day 2 Tuesday was mostly filled with configuring software. I had some annoying display issues with urxvt that I coudln't seem to resolve and also the plumber[2], which I like so much, wouldn't open any of my links. I figured this was down to the environment not being correct. I was a bit disappoited by the end of the day and felt I hadn't made much progress. Highlight of the day was probably discovering I could take screenshots without installing additional software, after installing mpv anyway... ffmpeg -y -f x11grab -s 1920x1200 -i $DISPLAY -vframes 1 -vf scale=1280:-1 screenshot.png ## Day 3 Today was a better day. I finally resolved the display issues with urxvt and the problems with the plumber. Both issues were down to the environment not being set correctly. The soultion in the end was adding '. ~/.kshrc' to .xsession so that the environment variables etc were properly set before the window manager was started. I think the display issues were down to no defined locale settings. .kshrc: export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8" export LANG="en_US.UTF-8" HISTFILE=$HOME/.ksh_history set -o vi alias S='function ddg { lynx "https://lite.duckduckgo.com/lite?q=$*"; }; ddg' alias W='function wik { gopher -p lookup -T 7 -i "$*" gopherpedia.com; }; wik' export EDITOR=vim .xsession: . ~/.kshrc # plumber programs export XTERM='urxvtc' export PLUMB_IMAGE='feh -F --auto-rotate' export PLUMB_MEDIA='mpv' export PLUMB_GOPHER='gopher' export PLUMB_TXTGOPHER='gopher' export PLUMB_PDF='xpdf' export PLUMB_FILEMANAGER='' export PLUMB_WEB='lynx' export PLUMB_TXTWEB='lynx' xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources xsetroot -solid black setxkbmap -option caps:escape urxvtd -q -f -o ratpoison I managed to get a bit of work done today too. Several updates to my phlog, including: * Addition of index file for /phlog directory to list all posts * Removal of '-' and '.md' from post titles * Update to 'grouch occ prep'[1] post to cover final hardware changes * This post In addition to this I made some code changes to the plumbing program and subimitted a patch for those changes. That is the reason for the PLUMB_\* environment variables above. I pulled several of the hard coded program names out of the individual opener files and made environment variables for them to be defined. Outstanding issues: * Problem with mpv/ratpoison stretching the display of small format videos * Seemingly no hw acceleration in mpv with this nvidia fx5200 Both of the above issues make watching video practically impossible. ## Day 4 I spent most of the morning wrestling with mpv and eventually came up with some settings that worked acceptably with ratpoison; to stop it from stretching the videos and to completely black out the rest of the window. .confif/mpv/mpv.conf: --video-unscaled --no-keepaspect-window --ytdl-format="best*[width=640]" The last line is just to tell yt-dlp which video format to fetch. 640 wide is about all this thing can manage without hardware acceleration which I have, so far, been unable fix. Having checked the Xorg.0.log I can see that the card is using the 'nv' driver for my NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200. But there is a notice that explains my lack of hardware acceleration: AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI2 capable Today I considered installing my Usenet and RSS clients, but I resisted the impulse to do it. There is a certain tranquillity that exists as a side effect of my current hardware limitations. I spent some time reading other peoples experiences on gopher, listened to a podcast and got my K&R C book out of my book case with the aim of beginning at the beginning, for about the third time, and progressing my way through the exercises in the book. hello.c: #include int main() { printf("Hello, world!\n"); } ## Day 5 Well, I started out with the intention of continuing with my C exercises but somehow that was put asside quite quickly. Quarry[3] became the focus of the day as I was very aware that I'd neglected it for some time. I hadn't re-indexed any of the sites I had already in there for months and I had never gone back and removed dead links. That was something I had intended to fix some time ago but hadn't got around to. I managed to crash my webserver while running the re-indexing script, that caused me a bit of a panic as I had to login to the vm host for the first time and use vmctrl. It was all a bit daunting as I couldn't email for help as my email is hosted on the server doh! This is the first day that I've just used the computer without making any tweaks to configuration or adding any software. ## Day 6 and 7 Not much to report really. I spent day 6 continuing my work on quarry and most of day 7 I was out. When I did return home I continued my work on quarry and read about the experiences of other people taking the challenge, on gopher of course! ## Conclusion I didn't get off to the best start in spite of putting about a week into preparing the system I intended to use for the challenge. I was surprised that OpenBSD performs as well as it does on this system. I fully expected NetBSD to be my only option but OpenBSD was, for me anyway, a much more polished experience. Unfortunately I didn't manage to get hardware acceleration working or I may well have been able to prove youtube to be watchable at low resolutions. It was nice to have a fresh setup for the first time in several years to experiment with. I had used ratpoison for my last challenge earlier in the year but hadn't put much effort into configuring it last time. In the end I found myself using tmux as my window manager and ratpoison windows as virtual desktops; one for local and one for my vps. The temptation to install tin (for usenet) and sfeed (for rss/atom feeds) was resisted so I was better able to stay focused on doing something useful. The older system has just enough latency to make you consider more consciously what you are about to do. When all is said and done, I have quite enjoyed the challenge on this occasion. I have proved that I can be productive using this 27 year old computer and I don't feel that I have been lacking for anything. [1](gopher://gopher.icu/0/phlog/Computing/grouch-occ-prep.md) [2](gopher://gopher.icu/0/phlog/Computing/Smart-terminal-not-client.md) [3](gopher://gopher.icu/0/phlog/Computing/Quarry.md)