# Wordprocessing with vim and pandoc It has been quite some time since I have needed to create documents for ordinary folks that expect .docx or .pdf files. Having recently taken on some administration responsibilities for the radio club I am a member of, I find myself again needing to create .pdf documents. ## Abiword At first I installed abiword, along with all its dependencies, which turned out to be quite a lot. I tried it briefly, but after many years using vim to edit text, it felt terribly slow and awkward. ## Markdown Markdown is an excellent minimalist markup that doesn't look out of place in plain text documents. My phlog, as you may be aware, is written in markdown. Markdown was chosen as I knew tools existed to convert it into many other document formats. It can easily be converted into web pages or document types suitable for printing. Pandoc is probably the most widely known of these tools. ## Pandoc On OpenBSD I installed the pandoc package and attempted the conversion of a markdown file: > $ pandoc myfile.md -o myfile.pdf Unfortunately something was missing and the conversion failed with an error. After a short search for the error message, and test installing other packages, I discovered that texlive_base-2023 and texlive_texmf-minimal-2023 were also required. ## Workflow I write the documents in vim, using markdown in the same way that I would for my phlog, and then run pandoc on the file to output it in PDF format. ## Summary I use vim for all my text editing and wanted a solution where I could continue to do that. This solution is fast and avoids any interaction with a word processor, while achieving the same result. I'm quite satisfied with it.