# Vimb Web Browser I've been a firefox user longer than I can remember, but over recent years it has begun to annoy me with it's user hating interface changes and other negative aspects of the mozilla foundation. This has prompted me to look for an alternative. I'm also a long time vim user and for the past few years have used browser plugins to enable vim like key bindings to control the browser. The experience unfortunately, has always been somewhat lacking. vimb came to my attention due to it being webkit based and also having more integrated vim keybinding control. Building the software was quite straight forward following the instructions on the github page[1]. ## Requirements * gtk+-3.0 * webkit2gtk-4.1 * gst-libav, gst-plugins-good (optional, for media decoding among other things) From memory I think I had to install gstreamer1.0-libav on devuan to get youtube videos to play. ## Getting it to work as x-www-browser Initially my system kept opening firefox when I clicked on links in the terminal. To rectify this on devuan I tried to run update-alternatives --config x-www-browser Unfortunately it didn't detect the browser I'd installed from source as there was no reference to it in the dpkg alternatives which is located here: /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/x-www-browser After adding an entry for vimb like the following: ``` /usr/local/bin/vimb 70 /usr/local/share/man/man1/vimb.1 ``` I could then successfully run update-alternatives and select vimb to be the new default. ## Conclusion It's taking a little getting used to but I'm starting to really like it. The fact that there are no tabs stops me from leaving lots of tabs open so it's actually changing the way I use the web browser, for the better in my opinion. [1](https://fanglingsu.github.io/vimb)