# Handkerchief - Save the planet and your money One article I read states that we cut down 27,000 trees every day to satisfy our need for tissues. [1] Personally I have an allergy to dust and find that many, if not all, paper tissues release dust which made my symptoms worse! ## The cost On average we pay between 1.00 and 1.75 GBP per box of tissues which contain between 64 and 72 sheets. With two adults in our household we were using around 2 boxes every 3 weeks. That's 35 boxes per year and a minimum of 35 GBP spent on just tissues. Then of course there's the cost to the environment, 27,000 trees per day! I can't even begin to imagine that, but what I can imagine is how long those trees took to grow... ## Conclusion Before we were all carried away on the convenient disposable lifestyle, we used handkerchiefs. These would be thrown in with the normal clothes washing when they became dirty and reused. Back in the day things were sustainable through necessity, now there is a necessity for us to live sustainably and with the cost of living increasing as it is, more frugally. Buy yourself some good quality handkerchiefs! [1](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/27000-trees-cut-down-every-20858878)