# The humble pencil It's interesting how sometimes an unrelated conversation can yield some past wisdom. Talking on the radio earlier, the contact was a little flustered and preoccupied that they couldn't find their pencil. "Pencil, why a pencil?", I asked. And it was explained to me, why they preferred to use a pencil. ## Why a pencil? You always knew how much of it you had left, it wouldn't just randomly stop working half way through writing some important information and you could easily sharpen it up a bit with a blade, sharpener or some abrasive surface, should it become dull. The graphite from the pencil on paper isn't affected by water or UV light and will remain readable as long as the paper retains its integrity. ## Conclusion I keep a paper logbook, which has a lot of wasted space. Callsigns I have written and been unable to make the contact so had to cross out. With a pencil and eraser I can prevent a lot of wasted paper and keep a much neater account of my contacts. *Notes:* Avoid round ones, they roll away. HB is the best grade for writing. > A short pencil is better than a long memory!