# Breadmaker For years I have been against cupboard fulls of unused kitchen gadgets and a breadmaker seemed to be one of those items the average household wouldn't use more than a couple of times for novelty sake. This outlook changed when we actually discovered a very pragmatic reason to get one. ## Rationale To reduce chances of contracting COVID we took to shopping weekly and not having a mid week trip to the local supermarket for bread and milk. This unfortunately meant that by mid week the bread was either going stale or we didn't get enough and so had to go without. ## Enter the bread maker We bought second hand as there are many readily available hardly used at a fraction of the new price. This meant we could give it a try without significant investment. ## Home made bread We made our first loaf and have never looked back. The choice of flour plain white, granary, wholemeal, seeded. The choice is yours and the smell, and taste of fresh bread is something we now wouldn't be without. The ingredients are all dried so will keep a long time and are there to make a fresh loaf whenever you want. ## Conclusion Gamechanger. We shop once a week and have fresh bread whenever we want.