# Chickens Again Back in 2020 when supply chains were disrupted by COVID and there were often shortages of every day things, like eggs and toilet rolls, we adopted 4 hens. This solved the egg shortage issue and gave 4 chickens a retirement home. Unfortunately one by one they died and after the sadness of burying them all, as they had all become family pets, I didn't really want to get any more for a while. ## Inflation The UK has been suffering from inflation of prices on all kinds of every day things. Energy prices for gas, electricity and petrol/diesel have all increased significantly as has everything else. The increases have been blamed on all kinds of things, Brexit, the war in Ukraine, etc. but the big oil companies and supermarkets are all still making record profits... Ordinary people are suffering. ## Chickens A combination of my niece's persistence, "Uncle, when are you going to get some more chickens?" every time she saw me, supermarket price increases and desire to be more self sufficient, has resulted me adopting another 3 chickens. I fetched them from the BHWT[1] adoption point on Saturday after being on their waiting list for a couple of months. Two of them are brown, one of them is practically featherless, one has almost all of its feathers. The other is white and has a completely different temperament and can fly far too well for my liking. It's not docile like the brown ones I've had before and has so far proven too fast and nimble for me to catch hold of it to clip its wings. It escaped twice on Sunday and again on Saturday resulting in a 20 minute episode of catch the chicken, which ended in defeat, for me, as I had to give up on the idea of catching it and instead take down a section of the fence to herd it back in with the others. It seems we have arrived at a truce. It hasn't tried to escape again and I have not had to chase it around the garden. Maybe it didn't like me chasing it and got tired as once it was back in the coop it went into the chicken house and stayed there for a couple of hours of quiet time... [1](http://www.bhwt.org.uk)