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       __[ Results for 'rec' ]______________________________________________
 (DIR) Texas Museum Directory, 1985
       By Anonymous
 (DIR) Cottage Cheese Recipe Book
       By The Borden Company
 (DIR) Baker's Coconut Recipes
       By The Franklin Baker Company
 (DIR) Recipes: Hershey's Baking Chocolate
       By Anonymous
 (DIR) Recipes Used in the Cooking Schools, U. S. Army
       By U. S. Army
 (DIR) Within the Precincts
       By Mrs. Margaret Oliphant
 (DIR) An Illustrated Directory of the Specifications of All Domestic and   
 (DIR) Primitive Time-reckoning
       By Martin Persson Nilsson   
 (DIR) The True Grecian Bend
       By Larry Leigh
 (DIR) The Jay Bird Who Went Tame
       By John Breck 
 (DIR) Historical record of the Twenty-second, or the Cheshire Regiment of  
 (DIR) Sir Henry Irving--A record of over Twenty Years at the Lyceum, 
 (DIR) A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms
       By Faxian   
 (DIR) Biology versus Theology. The Bible: irreconcilable with Science, 
 (DIR) The Bad Little Owls
       By John Breck 
 (DIR) Tad Coon's Great Adventure
       By John Breck 
 (DIR) The Wavy Tailed Warrior
       By John Breck 
 (DIR) The Un-Reconstructed Woman
       By Hayden Howard
 (DIR) Tad Coon's Tricks
       By John Breck 
 (DIR) The Sins of Silvertip the Fox
       By John Breck 
 (DIR) Back