---- 3-16-2023 - Gopher proxy ---- As I continue to build out this gopher space, I naturally want to do some amount of promotion of the content here. Gopher affords a certain obscurity that is more of a feature than a bug, but _some_ amount of promotion is warranted. I want the content here to find an audience of _some kind_ -- in order to be useful and worth my time, anyway. I also want to promote the Gopher protocol itself -- to help prove its continued relevance. So to that end, I set up a simple nginx redirect so that HTTP requests coming into gopher.jonsharp.net on port 80 are redirected to the Floodgap Gopher proxy, proxying this gopher site. I may do more down the road to set up my own proxy for this purpose, perhaps with some additional custom behaviors, but for now, I think this will serve the purpose well -- allowing non-gopher-native users an easy shortcut for accessing my gopher content. .