11-29-2023 - I got a Dell! (And Mastodon) ---- Wow, sorry for the long break on the ol' gopher log... I've really been meaning to provide some updates, but I've just been too busy with _all the things_ to know where to start with the updates. And the truth is, I still don't know where to start, but I'm committing here to more frequent updates -- both here in gopherspace and now using Mastodon. I have nascent plans for a lightweight (micro)phlogging engine written in zig, but those plans have been holding me back from actually posting more, so I've gone ahead and started using an SDF Mastodon account. Perhaps there will be a neat way to use these two services together, but I expect I may be clumsily posting updates in both places for a bit. Readers of the gopher log will undoutedly have to jump to Mastodon for certain content, and vice-versa... For example, you'll just have to go track down my latest Mastodon toot(?!) [1] to decipher the Dell reference... ;) -- [1] https://mastodon.sdf.org/@jrsharp .