12-30-2023 - Big FRST news!!! ---- Squeezing in one more log entry before closing out 2023... And this one's a big one -- for me, at least. I just completed my first two (proto) Model 3 computers over at FRST Computer! (my weird garage-based computer company / art project, for those just tuning in...) This marks a huge milestone for FRST, establishing the essential form factor for the first FRST model intended to be produced in the larger batch sizes. But this milestone also marks an important culmination of much of the research and inspiration-gathering I've been side-questing on for the past several months... (apologies again for the quiet phlog) Not only is the essential form factor (portable, foldable CyberDeck) established, but FRST now has a real operating system... that's right folks, these decks run Plan 9! Oh man, so much to say about Plan 9, but for now I'll just say that Plan 9 has been so surprisingly refreshing and just remarkably suitable for the kind of personal computing I have been craving. And the more I read and talk with people, the more convinced I am that others (dozens!) are craving this, too. I figure I'll start by building the absolute best bespoke CyberDeck for myself and see what happens... Yeah, so much more to say about Plan 9 and FRST:Net, but I'll save that for a steadier stream of posts in the new year. If a Plan 9 CyberDeck sounds even mildly interesting to you, go check it at the FRST gopher hole. [1] Thanks! (oh, and if you want to see it, come find the mastodon post :) ) -- [1] gopher://frstcomputer.com/model3 .