====================================[ JonSharp.net:70:gopher_log ]====
       Gopher Log: (Phlog)
 (TXT) [Jul 12 2024] FRST: Personal Computing and the Model 3
 (TXT) [Jul 11 2024] Gopher server (Motsognir) dilemma
 (TXT) [Jun 23 2024] Walking Together
 (TXT) [Jun 21 2024] Hurry Up: 2011 Album of the Year
 (TXT) [Jun 19 2024] Rap Wisdom (2023 Album of the Year)
 (DIR) [Jun 15 2024] Kenny G
 (TXT) [Jun 11 2024] Mexico City
 (TXT) [May 23 2024] Uptime is Overrated
 (TXT) [Apr 27 2024] Entropy is Good, and so is Lisp
 (TXT) [Apr 23 2024] Art: Churchplant
 (TXT) [Apr 20 2024] OpenBSD PowerPC ... activities
 (TXT) [Apr 18 2024] Art, grade 'LL': Bandstand
 (TXT) [Apr 09 2024] Art series kickoff: Frogger
 (TXT) [Jan 16 2024] One year of Gopher
 (TXT) [Dec 31 2023] 2024: Year of Plan 9
 (TXT) [Dec 29 2023] Big FRST News!
 (TXT) [Nov 29 2023] I got a Dell (+Mastodon)
 (TXT) [Jul 27 2023] FRST Computer Launch Announcement
 (TXT) [Jul 23 2023] Gopher: Good Enough (sticker campaign)
 (TXT) [Jul 12 2023] Gopher-Commerce: A Proposal
 (TXT) [Jun 05 2023] Proxynag - a site update
 (TXT) [Apr 22 2023] Beige G3 upgrade: DDS2 tape drive
 (TXT) [Apr 18 2023] Tax day roundup
 (TXT) [Apr 08 2023] Retro battlestation buildout #3 - DOS gaming
 (TXT) [Mar 30 2023] Site updates - projects and files
 (TXT) [Mar 28 2023] Microblogging with audio
 (SND) [Mar 28 2023] Microblogging with audio (audio)
 (TXT) [Mar 27 2023] Site updates - finger and phlog
 (TXT) [Mar 27 2023 - #2] st build for gentoo
 (TXT) [Mar 21 2023] World Down Syndrome Day
 (TXT) [Mar 21 2023] Retro battlestation buildout #2
 (TXT) [Mar 17 2023] Quality Time with PowerBook 1400
 (TXT) [Mar 16 2023] Gopher proxy
 (TXT) [Mar 13 2023] File areas filling up with stuff
 (TXT) [Mar 08 2023] Marchintosh started in January
 (TXT) [Feb 13 2023] Site updates - notes
 (TXT) [Feb 12 2023] Retro battlestation buildout (#1)
 (TXT) [Jan 20 2023] Happy Sabbath
 (TXT) [Jan 16 2023] Why Gopher
       Other files:
 (IMG) stickers
 (IMG) chocv (apple ed.)
 (IMG) retro bench