       I painted some laptops for fun.  This was a while ago, but as it was
       always a fun page on my old website, I'm bringing it back here for
       port 70 fun:
       ## Rugged Camo 486
       This was an old AST 486 laptop that just needed to blend in with the
 (IMG) Picture of camo laptop - 1
 (IMG) Picture of camo laptop - 2
       ## Pentium Inside / Outside
       I just wanted to expose that Intel power on this one:
 (IMG) Picture of "Pentium Inside / Outside" (top)
 (IMG) Picture of "Pentium Inside / Outside" (open)
 (IMG) Picture of "Pentium Inside / Outside" (detail)
 (IMG) Original concept sketch
       ## Hot-Rod Red TiBook
       The TiBook had many flaws, but the peeling/chipping enclosure paint
       was one of the worst!  At least it gave me a good excuse to see what
       this might look like in Hot-Rod Red:
 (IMG) Picture of Hot-Rod Red TiBook
 (IMG) Another Picture of Hot-Rod Red TiBook (open)