▜▆▖▗▌ ▝▆▖ ▆▆▆▅ ▝▆▖ ▗▋ ▕█▅ ▐▆▖▕█ ▕█▅   ▐▛█▟▋ █▌ ▐█▆▛ ▝█▃█ ▟▂█▖ ▐▊▜▇▊ ▟▂█▖   ▐▋▝▜▋ ▜▌ ▐▊▀▙ ▝█▘ ▐▛▔▝█▎ ▝▊ ▜▊ ▐▀▔▝█    Nirvana, the 1997 Italian cyberpunk movie, is one of those movies not a lot of people have heard of, and, I guess, is probably not everyone's cup of tea, yet this movie is one I am very fond of. It could be considered quite campy, yet it creates a dreamy amosphere. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I like it a lot. Some bits of the world it creates (with a low budget) are things I've seen in my own dreams,... I'm not sure what was first, the movie or the dreams but either way, it's kind of magick.  ▐▘▖▁▃▅▆▆▅▀ ▞▖ ▃ ▎▅ ▗▋▝▀▀▂▖▀▀▘▋▎ ▊ ▃ ▗▞ ▀▅▆▆▅▃▁▗▝▐   ▐  ▗▅▏▅▀▞▔▅ ▗▖ ▝▆ ▅▅▅▅▅▆▖▅▅▅▅▆▆▆▅▅▀▅▅▀▀▀▃▃▃▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▘ ▀▖ ▅▔▞▀▅▕▅  ▍  ▊▎▊ ▂▐▗▃▀▖  ▊ ▝▝ ▝▋ ▐ ▞▂▘▝ ▔▞ ▞ ▔▖ ▆ ▔ ▞▆ ▝▞ ▗▝▋ ▘ ▎▊ ▗▀▃▖▐▂ ▎▊▏ ▋▔▋▋ ▐▍▂▁▃▎▖ ▊▎▝▞ ▆▅▀▀▀▃▃▃▃▀▃ ▂▂▂▅▂▂▁▂▁ ▞▂▝ ▃ ▊▂ ▞▂▖▝▔▕▎ ▊▋▂▁▂▋▍  ▍▕▍ ▐ ▕▖▀▋▅ ▀▖▁▘▗ ▅▀▝ ▗▔▔ ▔▆▅▖▔▔▔▔▔ ▅▖▖▝▁▗▀ ▅▍▀▗▏ ▐ ▐ ▂ ▂▅▀▃▀ ▅▆ ▗▔ ▕▏ ▁ ▃▂ ▁▂▀▅▀▐ ▆▅ ▀▃▀ ▂ ▂ ▐ ▐ ▏▅▞▗ ▔▔ ▖▘ ▃ ▊▃▆▆▖▆▅▖▕▁▂▊▅▆▔▆▂▃▀▊ ▝▗ ▔▅▅▗▞▅▕▕▍ ▋▏▗▗▂ ▅▞ ▊ ▝▔▔▔▃▂ ▔▅▏▀▅▁▁▂▃▂ ▘▍ ▝▞ ▝▘▃▖▖▕▎ ▕▎▏▅ ▍ ▂▐▎   ▘ ▕▅▅▀ ▅▅▅▆ ▂▋▂▅▆▝▀ ▗▔▋▘ ▗▊▝▂ ▐ ▅▊▊▏  ▐▍ ▞▅▔▞▍▗▅ ▊ ▔ ▁▃▝ ▐▖▖ ▕▖ ▐▞▆▅▞ ▋▍   ▍▊▘ ▋▋▃▆▔▔ ▍ ▗▖▁▐ ▗▋▝▀ ▗▘ ▝▃▎▍ ▅▎▋   ▊▏▘ ▁▁▂▂▂▂▁▁ ▆▃▁▃▗▂ ▔▅▔▔▝▘▖ ▃▘ ▋ ▝▕▎   ▐ ▗▘▆▗▗▔ ▝▎ ▗▘▁▔▆▅▆▔▁▔▖▅▅▔ ▀▖ ▍  ▅▅▀▆▅▅▅▗▕▘ ▝▀▖▆▝▖ ▘▂▅▅▆▅▆▅▆▞▖▗▖ ▀▖ ▅▅▆▀▅▅  ▍▗▘ ▗▀ ▗▏▁▋ ▗▝ ▍▍▖▊▁▆▅▅▆▂ ▘  ▊▂▆▆   ▗▘ ▊▆ ▝▖ ▐ ▐ ▋▝▞▘▘ ▎ ▕▗▗▕ ▂▋▆▆▏  ▂▂▁▁▀▘ ▝▘▐▎ ▎ ▊▀▃▘ ▕▏▎▎ ▍ ▋▘▍▊ ▔▔▔ ▁▂▃ ▀▀▅▔ ▂▅▆ ▐▝▊▏ ▐ ▋▗▘▋ ▁▂ ▞ ▁▆▗▖ ▁▁ ▃▐▏ ▐ ▕▎▏▗▘ ▘ ▊▍ ▊▗▖  ▞▂ ▂ ▏▏ ▊ ▕▞▅ ▁▆ ▅▖▁  ▋ ▎ ▃▃▃▀▅▂▘ ▂▘ ▀▔▂▆▔▀▖▍ ▊ ▐ ▁▁▀▆ ▘▀  ▘▖▝ ▁▀▅▆ ▁▃▃▂▘ ▖ ▞▔ ▋▔▋▁ ▎▅▔▅ ▔▆▁▖ ▁ ▗▃  ▖▍▞▃▅▆▔▗▏ ▆▁ ▆▋ ▘▐▖▔▖▔▂▐▗▐ ▎ ▂ ▅▘▆ ▃▗▅▂▘ ▍▆▖  ▀▔▀▅▅▆▔ ▀▅▀▀▖ ▀▅▊▋▂▍ ▁▞▆ ▀▞▅▝▝▂▍▃ ▃▁▂▃▀▅▔▘ ▅ ▀▃▂▍▍▅▖ ▁▂▀▀▀▅▀▀▃▂▁   ▗ ▊▅▔▁ ▝▂▃▅▔▁ ▝▂▅ ▔▃▘▞▁ ▁▁▁▂▃▀▆▆▁▞▘ ▍▂▁▆ ▋ ▆ ▖ ▔▅  ▗▘ ▊▆▆▅▅▆▆▂▆▁ ▝▝ ▀▝▂▂ ▆▀▆▔▔▔▔▏ ▆▁ ▝▃▂▅ ▋▅▀▔▁▎   ▁▃▘ ▗▃▂▀▀▖▅▃▂▃▋▔▍ ▝ ▔▔▃▂▂▃▂▃▃▂▀▅▅▘▐▍  ▂▅▗▃ ▐▃▅▔▊   ▐  ▃▀▅▅▋▆▀▆▂▂▃▏ ▀▂ ▁▁▁ ▁▁ ▁▂▁▂▂▊▘ ▊▀▃▀▃▊▆▅▆ ▅   ▝▃  ▅▆▔ ▃▆▂▐▀ ▋▖▞▔▁▃▀▀▃▂▃▃▃▂▂▅▔▞▔ ▔▂▂▁▔▆▋▔▆▂ ▆   ▆▀▂ ▔▁▆▃▀▂▅▂▀▖▖ ▂▂▆▔ ▔▅▆▋▆▘▂▔▆▀ ▃▂▆▅▅   ▂▂ ▔▅▂ ▎▝▀▅▝▝▅▆▅▖▍▁▂▁▂▃▅▀▅▅ ▔▅▂▅▘ ▊▔▁▆ ▎ ▗▃▖   ▝▖▅▂ ▅▖ ▊ ▆▁▂▝▀▅▃▆▎▔▔▐▃▏ ▊▗▀▅▍▆  ▗▘ ▝   ▝▖ ▆▃▁ ▝▏ ▔▔▆▃▖▖▆▔▀▆▂▂▗▎▆▀▃▃ ▗ ▗▋▗▆▀▂ ▏ ▋ ▁▂▂▃▂▁  ▗▅▗▖▅▗▅▖▔▖ ▔▖ ▍ ▅ ▀▃▅▅▔▃▆▔▅ ▂▖▅▅▔ ▂▀▅▅▀▃▃▀▀▅▅▏ ▗▀▗ ▆▖▅▝▆▂▃▂▁▔▆▀▗ ▝▃▃▃▘▝▃▘ ▝▂▁▁▖▋▁▁▊ ▆ ▂▝▞▔▘▘ ▅▁▞▍▅▅▆ ▝▅▅▍▊▋▎▁▁▁▁▁▁▘▘▅▔▁▁▁▔▀▀▁▁ ( one of the various movie posters ) The poster kind of looks like a depiction of the Hundu Mother Goddess Kali. Hinduism is kind of a subtle recurring theme in this movie. There's a particular area in the cyberpunk world it paints, inhabited by cyber-hindi and interesting looking shrines etc,... These are some of the things which add to the dreamy mystic undertone for me. The movie actually has a few different covers/posters if you find it for streaming or on dvd or whatever - I think this is the most appropriate one. ▏▃▌ ▌ ▗▋▃▃ ▎ ▄ ▋▄▄▅  ▇▄ ▂ ▍▌▋ ▁ ▁▂▂▂▂▃▄▄▅▄▄▃▂▃ ▃ ▃▆▃▅▅▄ ▗▂▘▆ ▋▗ ▅▄ ▎ ▊ ▄▘▅▅ ▄ ▃▄ ▊ ▋┱▗▆▘ ▁▆▁▁▁▂  ▅▅▃▅▅▅▃▃▃▄▄▄▄▄▄▅  ▗▄▗━▇▗▘ ▝ ▊ ▄▅ ▅▋ ┨▊ ▁ ▄▂▄▆▅▇▇    ▗▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▖▝ ▝▄   ▎━▍┭▗▖ ▄▄▋▘  ▋ ▋▗▅▆▅▄▖▍ ▅▆  ▝▗▃ ▄▘ ▆▅▆▆▇▇▅▅▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▇ ▗▖▎▖▆▘  ▄▆▋ ▂▋▂▂▂ ▁  ▌ ▌▘▅▆▆▖▝  ▗▆▄▅▖▇▆▄▁▝   ▅▖ ▝▅ ▌  ▅ ▝  ▄▖ ━ ▅ ▃ ▉▃▂▂▃▅▆▆▆▅▅▘ ▝▎▃ ▆▌▄▘┗▗▘▁▆▋▖▗▎ ╺▖▃▃▂▄▄ ▖ ▃▗▂▃▃▂ ▊▊  ▍ ▏▖▂▗▅▇▆▄▅▄▃ ▘  ▗ ▍ ▆╼▍▘▄▖▍ ▋▆▖┭▃▍▆▖▝▖ ▃▝▖▝▄▃▅▘ ▅▅▃ ▖▋▋ ▏▖▃ ▅▎▋▗ ▝▖▖  ▌▎▅▌▃ ▁▂▄▅╏╾▄▘▋▚▄▖▌ ▅▄▄▅▍  ▋ ▍▅▏▋┚▆ ▅▖▅▆▊▍╽ ▄▃ ▃▄▘▂▝▃▂▃▗▘▂▂▂▁▄ ▂▅▇▆ ▝▁▘▖▃▝▄▂▝▖ ▌▄▅▆▍▋▅━▅▄▂▃ ▄▄▋╾━┭▃ ▍▊  ▁▂▂ ▁▂▂▃▅▃▄▅ ┢▆▅▃▋▏ ▆▄▄▆ ▝▚▆▄▊┏╱▗▘▅  ▘ ▆┠▂ ▆ ▅  ▋ ▆▆▋▝▖ ▅▂▘╺┻▇▆▃╲╺▆▄▘ ▗▘▃▌▍┳ ▍▗▄  ▌▗ ▝▋▎▂▂▃▄▄▃  ▌ ▎▝┺▁▂▖▘▚╱▁▂▎▘▆┎▝╽▘ ▇ ▌▗▎▂▘▍▆▅▖▚ ▌ ╱▂▂╱▖▎ ▇ ━▖▖  ▘┗▊▋▁▝▖▝▋▄▖▎▘▆▅▆▘ ▘▋╌━ ▝▄┢▎▄▗▃▂▝ ▅▅▋ ▊┚▍╾▖▏   ▋┇▆┛─▗▆▆▆▂▄▂▘▘ ▊▊▍▋▍▆▆▅▆▗▘▍▅▃▝┲┓╺▘┓  ▋▃▍▅   ▘▝▁▂▎▗▇▆ ▇▇ ╺ ▗ ▌ ▌▚▍▍▄▅▁╾▋▆▖▅ ▊▖▊   ▋▘▊ ▄ ▗  ▂ ╌ ▖ ▍ ▅▘ ┗▌▎▄▍▂▅▖▅▃▃▃▁╺▘╋┍ ▃ ▃▂▁  ┈ ▏ ▝▇ ▍ ▂ ▖▅▘ ▆▍ ▘▌▝▚▋▇▍▉▖▇┱▆  ▃▄▄▄▄▘ ▄ ┙▊━ ┷ ┬ ▗▎ ▄╺▝▎ ▇ ▏ ━ ▎▍▇▗▁▆▅▌╼╉▝▗▝▃▍▋▝▁ ▃▎▅┕━╸  ▄▋ ▂┈ ▍ ▘ ▘▁ ▁▂   ▆ ▉┣▗▏▂ ▌▍▗ ▌▎▋▝▅▝▋▎ ▂▊ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▉ The character on the right (Joystick) kind of looks like my old friend Jimi which is also happens to the be Christopher Lamber's character's name in the movie - weird! :) ▃▝▃▁▃▂▅▃▃╱▁▋ ▂▃▘▂▂▂ ▝▂▗▁▏▅┨▗▄▝▄▄▂▄▃▝▂▅▚▄▄▏▚▄▏▂ ▂ ╾▆ ▄▃┙ ▄▇▅▘ ▝ ▇┳▃━▚▅▄▍▌▝▄ ▝┺▎▅▉▘▆╼▅▅▖▆▗╱▎▎▃▃▂▖▅▆▁▃▇ ▃▃▆▚ ┷ ▗▍╵ ╹▄▆▅▄▅▅▊▍▆▋▃▘▖▆ ▍▋─▂▂▂┰┰┬▆▂▂┰┰┬▂▂▂▅ ▎▍▎▅▘▍▝▁  ┻▃▄▅ ▊┃▌▍ ┙ ▂┖▅ ▃▍╲▃▍▂╏ ▋▋ ▝▄▅▆▅▆▅▖━ ▅▄▄▂▄▄▄▄▋▏▄▖▋▗▋▂▍┃▗▂▃ ▊┃ ▍ ┻▂╅▋▃╼▅ ╼▖━▚▘ ┛╲▅▄ ▅▆▆▅ ▅▄▅ ▝▅▅▄▃ ▅▝▖▄▃▍╱▌▃ ┖▍▁▂ ▊▄▄▍╺▆━▝▘ ▍▝▚▃ ▃▃▂ ▂▃▚ ▋ ▄ ▇╲▂ ▗▃▖▃▝╻▘╻ ▅▆▖▋▗▘ ┣▅▅▆▖ ▊╿▂▁▘▌▂┲━▖▎▃▂┏ ▖▖┛ ▌ ▌▅▆ ▝▃╱ ▂▁┷▃▍▅╍╸ ▖┠▘▋╺▃▝▖▃▄ ▝ ▋▏━┗▅▆▎▃▃▃▃▃▅▅▘┳┛▍▁▍ ▂▄ ▗▘▃▌┱▅▅▅▘ ▝▘ ▅▖▃▘▍▝▘▘▄▄▆▆  ▗▄╌ ┛╲▄▖▄▄▘▃╸▂▌▅▅▍▆▅▗┎▆ ▅▘▍▝ ▃▆╼▄▅▝▂▁▍▃▃▃▅▅▆ ▃ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▝▄▄▅▄▄▅▄▄▄▄▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▄▅▅▆▆▄▆▆▘▝▅▆▆▆▅▅▆▅▅▅▆▆▆▆▆ ▆▆▆▗▄▄ ▄▄▄▆▗▅▅▖▅▅▅▋▆┱─▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▖┯━┳▆╸━━▆┏┳ ━▆━┯━▆━━━▆▆━ Obligatory street food scene. Quote from the wikipedia page: " Jimi manages to pass through the network defence mechanism by freeing his mind, forgetting about life before or after, about bodily feelings, and entering a state of pure concentration where one focuses only on the target (in this case the server with the company's bank account). It is similar to meditation where one tries to concentrate on breathing - people who are able to do this are referred to as angels (they are invisible to the system, can go anywhere they want, and their possibilities are limitless) in the film. In the end, Jimi feels enlightened and at inner peace with himself. "