Hello gopherverse! Since I last wrote I've mostly been just working and playing with radio stuff. I got the USRP2 working with gr-osmosdr and thus all the other things, like irridium, p25, etc etc,... which is fun. It's been great. Furthermore, I also got a new module for it which will let me do RX and TX on the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, which should be useful for mucking with bluetooth/wifi/and all the other ism band crap, as well as maybe some satellite stuff (although the output is rather low power). I also got another new radio, an IC-9700 which has VHF/UHF/SHF and a satellite mode that will come in handy for all the satcom work. One very nice thing about it is that it's computer controllable with a single USB cable, it emulates 2 serial ports (one for CAT control and one for digital voice data) which means i don't need to have a mess of audio cables and homebrew ptt interfaces to use it for digi modes, which is nice. It also has an ethernet port so you can hook it up to the network. It uses the network for ntp time sync, it also runs a little telnet daemon, but you can't do much over the telnet interface (looks to be running some type of RTOS shell: > telnet IC-9700 # exit password bell clear timeout more ver save restart The LAN interface also lets you input/output audio and do CAT control (if you don't want to use the usb-serial iface) Supposedly it does SDR as well, but all the software I've seen is payware only. My guess is that it communicates over the LAN interface for that purpose as well (and of course it's all windows-only). - Getting that to work with gqrx is going to take some deeper digging. I couldn't find any details on it by googling, so I might have to do a bit of reverse engineering. I wonder if I can get anything useful out of the firmware update image. Meanwhile I also made a crappy 2m yagi beam antenna out of alluminum L-channel, I just soldered the connector onto it last night, I have yet to test it. That's about it really. Cya!