Alright, maybe I went on a bit too much of a negative rant in the previous entry. I got so caught up in my ranting I forgot to mention that I actually did come up with a path to make things better (not really for the software industry at large, but for me at least). A while back I decided I wanted to work on moving back to Belgium, for various reasons, but the primary one being health insurance (or the lack there-of in the USA). It would allow me to potentially work less or perhaps part-time without having to worry about losing health insurance. Which in turn would allow me to focus more on the fun software projects. On another note, last week I hade a nice conversation with someone over zoom after a debug session. While he agreed with a lot of what I had to say, his outlook seemed somewhat more positive. Some time after the conversation, it occured to me that he's in the UK and that being in the US has likely coloured my feelings towards the corporate software world in a very negative way. That's not to say that the same problems don't exist elsewhere, but potentially less intensely. __\ __ /__ __ __ __ __ , )\ / )/ ) / )/ \/ )/| .--'/ \/.--'/ / /| | / | (__ (__/\__ (__/ / | |/ | / \ /___\__//___ | / \ (stardate 47986.3 sounds cooler) (... or is it 278458.08 ?!)