I spent some time yesterday and today filling in some textual details on various pages of my gopherhole because I realized that a lot of my project pages are just kind of a dump of pictures/scripts/whatever with very little context, which is not exactly the most pleasant thing in the world to go through. All of this is mostly because I never really enjoyed writing. I like tinkering with things, but writing about them often feels like a bit of a chore. I'm trying to be better about it! I'm always continually redesigning the front page for some reason. I fluctuate between putting silly ascii art or whatever versus keeping it very basic. This is because I reaaaally love cool ascii art, but then I notice that things look messed up in some gopher clients, so then I get rid of it again, until I get the itch again to put up some other silly thing. So basically I'll probably be forever re-doing the front page, because I'm never quite happy with it. Right now it's back to bare-bones basic text. * Created a new page about Ku-band experiments. * I organized my pages a bit better under the radio secion. * I filled in some details on the ph0ne page. * I moved the /c++ link to /cpp because I noticed some gopher clients couldn't deal with the plusses in the url. * Fixed some pages with lines > 70 chars to linebreak earlier. Some other thoughts... Some of the longer writeups are 3-levels of navigation deep in my gopherspace, and I noticed that very few people make it that far. I'm not sure if I should restructure things in a more flat navigation wise. Personally I kind of like the more structured/hierarchical way of organizing things. But it seems that is at odds with people's patience. It also makes it look like there's less content than there is. So I don't know. I might have to re-think this. Links back to the root? I see many gopher spaces put a link back to the 'homepage' / gopherspace root on every page, or even 'back' links - I always figured that's unneeded, since people can use their client's navigation features for that kind of thing. But maybe I'm wrong? Alsoooo, I noticed some clients don't deal with the way pygopherd servers up directory listings very well, which has me wonder if I should make a gophermap for the phlog folder. This would also allow me to sort the entries such that the most recent one is on top. On the other hand, it would mean that writing phlog entries takes an extra step, which is not a good thing for me. I need that low-barrier so I can just throw shit up, or else I won't do it at all. Although I could always just write up a few scripts to deal with that, or use something like tildetown's feels engine. There's also this mental barrier thing of, does any of this stuff even matter? Nobody gives a shit about what thing I tinkered with last night... and I surely shouldn't have to announce it to the world - only egomaniacs and narcissists would do such a thing; but on the other side I also know that's just negative mental noise that stops me from doing things. If nobody shared anything, we wouldn't have a very interesting world I guess. In any event, a lot of this gopherspace is very much a slooow work in progress - I'm hoping that eventually it will mature enough to a point where it's half as cool as some of the other stuff that's out there. gopher://gopher.linkerror.com - be there or be ◘