Hello gopherites who stumble upon my humble hole in the gopherverse!! Just a quick update/PSA - gopherhole was down briefly as I have converted the server from pygopherd to gophernicus. I had to fix up quite a few pages that were technically already broken, since gophernicus is slightly less forgiving than pygopherd. Please let me know if I've missed anything - if there's missing pages, or if there is messed up formatting, truncated lines, etc,... Thaaaaaaaaaaaanks!! ▁▂▂▂▃▄▄▄▄▄▄▅▅▅▅▅▆▖ ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇▇██████████████████▊ ▁▂▃▅▅▇██████████████████████████▉ ▂▃▄▅▆▇███████████▇███▅█▇██████▜████▛▀█▛▔ ▁▃▅▆▇███████████████▆██████▀▔▔▜▖▝▙ ▗█▛▘ ▃▅▇███████████████████▛▀▔ ▔▀▔ ▀▙▔▜█▛ ▗▇████▙▄▆█████████▀▔ ▝▜▇▊ ▁▟██████████▀▀ ▐█▊ ▄███████▛▘▔ ▗▅▅▄▟█▊▁ ▝▜███▛▜▖ ▗▄▄▟██▛▅ ▔▜▙▁ ▀▙ ▁▂ ▁▂▃▄▅▅███▌ ▔▀▅▁▝▙▖ ▐██▅▅▅▅▆▆▖▃▅▆█████▅█████▆▆▆▅▃▂▁ ▔▀▆▁▜▖ ▗████▛███▀▜▄▆█▛▀▀▔▔▔██▏▔▔▔▀▀▀█▇▅▃ ▔▀▆█▙ ▝▀▀▜██▀▔▄█▛▀▔ ██▏ ▀▀█▆▂ ▀██▖ ▅█▀▁▅█▀▔ ▐█▏ ▀█▆▖ ▀█▙ ▗█▛▘▗█▛▔ ▐█▏ ▀█▙ ▝▜▄ ▗█▛ ▟█▘ ▐█▏ ▔▜▙ ▝▜▅▁▗█▛ ▐█▘ ▐█▏ ▜▙ ▝▜██▅▅█▌ ▐█▍ █▋ be ▐█▎ ▟█ ▐█▙▁ ▐█ seeing ▐█▏ █▋ ▁▄▄█████▃▁ ▕█▍ you... ▟▊ █▋ ▐█████████▌ ▕█▍ █▌ ▜█▁ ▔████▛▀▔ ▐█▘ ▕█▍ ▝█▌ ▗███ ▟▛ ▁▂▃▃█▎ ▐█▖ ██▛ ▟█▏ ▅▛▀▀▀▜█▀▇▄ ▜█▖ ▝▘ ▟█▘ ▗█▘ ▗▁▐█ ▀█▏ ▀█▙▁ ▁▟▛▘ ▐▊ ▗██▋ ▜▋ ▝▜█▄▁ ▗▅█▀ ▝█▖ ▝▀▀▔ █▘ ▔▜█▙▃▁ ▁▄▇▛▀ ▝▜▅▂ ▖ ▂▃▇▀ ▀▀█▇▅▄▂▁ ▂▂▄▅▇▛▀▔ ▔▀▀▀▀▀▀▔ ▔▀▀▀▜████████▀▀▀▔