Re: computers and computing --------------------------- screwtape, in reply to my earlier rant about computing, wrote, among other things (1) : " tl;dr I would enjoin you to join me in stuffing our available processors to the gills with private key onion/i2p personal bespoke streaming algorithms grinding through our universe. " I second this. I've been running I2P here for a while, and I've participated with a few of the @home projects in the past and did a bunch of playing around with writing BOINC software myself. It's good fun and a great way to contribute to worthwile things. Also, check out screwtape's gopherhole - it is most comfy!! (2) -- by the way, I did see your older post about saying you had an issue with the latest justify - I know, there's a bug I have to fix yet - the problem happens when a file does NOT end with a blank line, it will simply do nothing - I have not gotten around to fixing it yet, as I've been ever so distracted with other projects - but for now you should be able to work around the problem by simply adding a blank line at the end of the file you're trying to justify. (1) gopher:// (2) gopher://