is a website that will search the FCC database
       for you for all registred transmitters in a given radius around the
       area you define.
       They provide a way to download csv data which is extremely useful in 
       programming scanners and/or sdr software bookmarks and what not.
       This folder contains a little script that should serve as a good start
       point to parse the data.
       The CSV output for my area (Champaign, IL):
 (TXT)  TransmittersVDT858816MRC108496.csv
       A python script to parse an antennasearch CSV file into output sorted 
       frequency (with duplicates merged).
       This should be easily modified to mold output into whatever you need i
 (TXT) : 
                         Gophered by Gophernicus/3.0.1 on FreeBSD/amd64 14.0