A query was posted recently on a list on how to convert date formats in the form of "month/day/year" into a more standard unambiguous "year-month-day". I dabbled in Perl a very long time ago and so thought I'd take a look. After searching the Internet and some practice, here is my stab at it. For an example csv text file, for tabular data in this case: COLA,DATE,COLB,COLC xxxx,12/15/2021,xxxx,xxxx xxxx,01/14/2022,xxxx,xxxx The following Perl script will flip the order. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/perl # searches for xx/yy/zzzz (month/day/year) date pattern and converts # to zzzz-xx-yy in a text file (csv in this case). open(FH,"myfile.csv") or die "Can’t open file-$1"; open(WH,">new_myfile.csv") or die "Can’t open file in write mode- $!"; while(my $line = ){ $line =~s/(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{4})/$3-$1-$2/g; print WH $line; } close(FH); close(WH); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- We now have: COLA,DATE,COLB,COLC xxxx,2021-12-15,xxxx,xxxx xxxx,2022-01-14,xxxx,xxxx