       -    Random Access Library   -
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       A small collection of interesting general interest, computer and
       Unix/linux material.
       Note: some are in epub or pdf formats until I can convert to a more
       suitable plain text format.
       ---Gopher Interface to Wikipedia
 (DIR) Gopherpedia
       ---Computers and Hardware Components---
 (TXT) AMD GPU GFX Codes and Codenames
 (TXT) Partition Types
 (IMG) Computer Hardware Connectors 2009
       As seen on a local Linux Users Group mailing list, during a discussion
       of USB speeds and compatibility.  Interesting information seasoned with
 (TXT) USB 2.x, 3.x compatibility breakdown
       ---Short collection of some interesting Unix/Linux documentation.---
 (TXT) Slackware HOWTO v14.2 2016
 (TXT) Slackware HOWTO v15.0 2022
 (TXT) Netwoking 101 A. Hicks 2007
       --- Computer Magazines and Books---
 (DIR) Byte Magazine
 (DIR) Calculus
 (DIR) Nonsensical Rhythm and Rhymes
 (DIR) Chemistry
       ---Recipes / Cooking---
 (DIR) Recipes
       ---Science Fiction---
 (TXT) Star Trek the Original Series
       ---Presentations, Conference Notes---
 (DOC) 1. Software Installation and Management in Slackware
 (DOC) 2. Introduction to Netfilter and iptables
       Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
              for the Slackware Show
       Encontro Nacional de Usuarios Slackware
               August 21-22, 2008
 (DIR) Presentations (pdf)
       Blast from the past.  The first image on the WWW 1992 (originally gif).
 (IMG) Les Horribles Cernettes