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        | |\/| |/ _` |/ __| | |  | |\___ \   \__, |
        | |  | | (_| | (__  | |__| |____) |    / / 
        |_|  |_|\__,_|\___|  \____/|_____/    /_/  Lives!
 (HTM) On the WWW:  macos9lives.com
 (HTM) On Hotline:  hotline.macos9lives.com
       Mac OS 9 Lives was founded by Jerry (aka DieHard) back in
       2012, who believed in the inherent value in Classic Mac
       hardware together with the Classic Mac OS and the synergy
       between the two which inspired him to want to use a computer.
       The balance between function and form cannot be understated,
       it simply works, it produces results and we enjoy the experience
       along the way.
       In 2024 long-time community member Knezzen took over the torch
       and vowed to carry it on, expanding the Mac OS Lives website and
       adding many new services & info for new and old Mac users.
       If you're interested in contributing, be it by writing a tutorial
       on something you're really familiar with or just reporting a typo,
       feel free to contact us.
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