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       Greetings to Magic Margin on Gopher
       Magic Margin is also a blog at http://www.magicmargin.net
       You can email me at thomasrpadney@gmail.com
 (TXT) Welcome
 (TXT) IBM 5291 USB Conversion
 (TXT) The Day That Unix Died: A Memory
 (DIR) Typewriters (Posts from Magic Margin)
 (DIR) Photography (My hobby and a part of my profession)
 (DIR) RNN Generated Sonnets
 (DIR) Tiki
 (TXT) Message of the Moment
       This was in the original Gophermap. Feeling Gopher, might delete later:
 (DIR) Pygopherd Home
 (DIR) Quux.Org Mega Server
 (DIR) The Gopher Project
 (DIR) Traditional UMN Home Gopher
       Welcome to the world of Magic Margin and Gopher!