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querying the hive mind	

Can I make this leather wallet smell better?

Last week I bought a new leather wallet from a luxury goods company. I've had it for less than a week and the leather smells like weed. Is there any way to get this smell out of the wallet?
I did call the company about exchanging it, but their customer service was............. interesting. They were supposed to get back to me in 48 hours about an exchange/refund, but I haven't heard anything from them. I'm starting to think returning it might be more trouble than it's worth (especially because my city does not have a store for this brand).

The leather on the outside of the wallet has a weed/skunky smell, but the leather on the inside of the wallet smells fine. According to my research this sounds like a manufacturing defect with the tanning process. I can't figure out if there's any way I could get rid of this smell. It's not SUPER strong, but I notice it.

The smell is less strong than it was last week. I've used it once, but I've mostly let it sitting in the dust bag in the box it came in. Would putting it in a container with activated charcoal work? Any ideas?
posted by VirginiaPlain on May 08, 2024 at 7:15 AM


It should dissipate over time. The container with activated charcoal is a solid idea.

My go-to for pretty much all unwanted smells is Arm & Hammer Fridge and Freezer boxes, the small ones with the vented sides. Pop the wallet into a Ziploc freezer bag with one of those and that would likely take care of a lot of this.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 7:21 AM


If you are a coffee drinker and don't already have activated charcoal, you can bake used coffee grounds in your oven and they will work the same way (since you're basically carbonizing them and they naturally have nitrogen also, which adds extra odour-adsorbing qualities).
posted by hurdy gurdy girl at 9:00 AM


My mother solved a similar problem with a purse by leaving it outdoors in an area where it got sun for part of the day, but not all day.
posted by OrangeDisk at 9:40 AM
