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querying the hive mind	

Shore excursions in Walvis Bay Namibia

I'm looking for recommendations for shore excursions in Walvis Bay, Namibia. We are 3 adults on a cruise ship and this is our first time in Walvis Bay. Do you have any recommendations for activities or places to eat? Thanks!
posted by my_metafilter_account on May 07, 2024 at 9:32 PM


I wasn't visiting on a cruise ship so I guess I don't know how it works as an excursion, but if something like this little five tour is available, you should do it. We did it when we got stuck in Swakopmund for four days and it was one of the best things we did on our trip. (I also think it would be fun to just go to Swakopmund and wander around, it's a weird/cool little town.)
posted by goodbyewaffles at 6:30 AM


If you go to Swakopmund, we were there last October and ate at both Garnish, and The Tug and would recommend both.

In Walvis, we did the Seal Kayak Adventure @ Pelican Point with EcoMarine Kayak Tours followed by the SandWaves HalfDay 4x4 Tour. They were both great: you play with baby seals in the bay when kayaking, and the 4x4 on the dunes is just a lot of fun, with quite a few stops to take pictures and marvel and it includes a nicely laid out food stop at the end.
If you don't have time for 2, I'd pick the 4x4 tour over the kayak.
posted by Laura in Canada at 8:24 AM
