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frequently asked questions

What does "I help fund MetaFilter" on profile pages mean?

On May 19th 2014, Matt posted a MetaTalk thread about MetaFilter's financial problems: State of MetaFilter. In that thread, community members and casual readers began contributing to the site's PayPal account through one-time donations and recurring payments. This new source of revenue is a step toward being member-supported rather than advertising-supported. We wanted to acknowledge those members who are providing this additional help to keep this place running with a note on their profile page.

For those who don't want the note to appear on their page, there's an option in site preferences to disable the note. Uncheck the box next to "Display funding message?" under "Contact / Privacy" settings. If you donated but somehow didn't get the profile message, just let us know via the contact form and we'll set it up manually.

If you'd like to contribute, you can Help Fund MetaFilter.