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frequently asked questions

I'm new. What should I do first?

Welcome! You can set up your profile with as much or as little information as you want, then look around the site. You've probably already seen the new user note, so you know about the waiting period before you can post, and the rule against linking to projects made by you or anyone you know. It's a good idea to spend time reading the site to get a sense of the culture here. Note that things can vary between parts of the site - for example, Metafilter (or MeFi) and AskMetafilter (or AskMe) have different guidelines.

On the MetaFilter wiki, there is a helpful Orientation page for new members. This FAQ has a great deal of information too. If you have a question that is not answered here or in the wiki, you can use the contact form (link in the bottom right corner of every page) to directly ask the moderators/admins.