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overthinking entertainment	

Movie: Death on the Nile

As Hercule Poirot enjoys a luxurious cruise down the Nile, a newlywed heiress is found murdered on board and every elegant passenger becomes a prime suspect.
posted by bunderful on May 01, 2024 at 7:51 PM


My only disappointment is that Maggie Smith didn't have more lines.

I was surprised at how much I liked this. Costumes, scenery, insults and gore. Maggie Smith serving up snark in masc-leaning outfits.

Here's a review.
posted by bunderful at 10:03 PM


I was getting ready to write my rant about this, but then realized iti s the 1978 version! Yes, this is very good. Death on the Nile is my favorite Christie mystery, and Ustinov is probably my favorite Poirot. I recall the TV movies he did as being pretty faithful to the novels.
posted by mark k at 7:01 AM


I just watched this a few nights ago! IMHO it's so much more fun than Murder On The Orient Express. I agree Maggie Smith should have gotten more lines - she was a hoot, and those outfits were excellent. All the outfits, really.
posted by queensissy at 5:44 PM


I was getting ready to write my rant about this, but then realized iti s the 1978 version!

It would be helpful to have the date on the title on the FanFare front page for movies that have multiple versions.
posted by fairmettle at 9:13 AM


It's been requested in FanFare Talk, not sure if there's been any further development since then.
posted by bunderful at 12:25 PM


There is a contemporary making of video. For people who prefer to read, there is a transcript, but it is a bit rubbish, with many attempts at Poirot.
posted by paduasoy at 3:31 AM
