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get out. meet people.

Performance: All jazz hands on deck

...actually, please refrain from the jazz hands BUT...
POSTunderground is an erstwhile Jazz residency held in the basement of the Brookline VFW Post 11 on 386 Washington Street. This month, they're presenting four sets of local jazz each Friday Night—7:30PM, 8:30PM, 9:30PM, 10:30PM. There's no cover—and there is a simple bar with VFW prices (read: cheap drinks). I'm gonna go on Friday March 24, sometime around 8PM. Anyone with me?
posted by not_on_display on Mar 09, 2023 at 8:37 PM


Hmm are IRL alerts not working? Turned off for covid?
posted by sammyo at 7:32 AM


Thanks, sammyo—I've flagged and asked the mods to check it.
posted by not_on_display at 11:46 AM


Sure, I might be down!
posted by Rustic Etruscan at 1:00 PM


Anyway, if it's not raining, I'll probably be outside of the VFW chatting with a friend at 7:45, and going downstairs at 8. If it is raining, I'll just go downstairs at 8. In case anyone's looking for me and I'm masked-up, I'll wear a stupidly bright-orange tuque. No worries if you miss this; they'll have another show next Friday (I won't be there), and they'll probably repeat the series again in June-ish (I'm edu-guessing). squonk
posted by not_on_display at 8:39 AM


[also, this is the email I just received from the organizer, John Purcell] Thanks to the earth's orbit, the POSTunderground late-winter run has become an early-spring run, and the mood is hopeful indeed. Trees are optimistically budding, birds are singing their hearts out, and flowers are preparing the ground for their upcoming pageant. So there will still be light in the sky when the Nate Aronow Nextet kicks off the night at 7:30 PM. Among the many fine musicians in the band is harmonica player Giulio Brouzet, well worth a listen and then some. At 8:30 PM, we welcome back District 5, a jazz collective that never fails to surprise and delight with their eclectic mix of genres. Then the original POSTunderground House Band featuring Phil Grenadier, will hold forth 9:30 to 11:30 PM. Phil will be joined by John Mulroy, piano, Greg Conroy, drums, and John Purcell, alto. We are excited to have bassist Matt Stavrakas back again for his second and final appearance this March. If you have not yet witnessed his astonishing musical bravura, what on earth, or the solar system in general, are you waiting for? There are only two Fridays left in March, this being one of them. All in all, then, you would be well advised to make the scene! (Full March Mania schedule at postunderground.com.) The POSTunderground is located at 386 Washington Street (downstairs), Brookline Veterans Post, Brookline MA. Admission and food are always free and the full CASH bar features veterans post prices! Visit postunderground.com for more info. I may actually go in at 7:30 cause this harmonica player is amazing, like Toots Thielemans.
posted by not_on_display at 8:46 AM


Sorry I punted, just had an omg crowds of people moment.
posted by sammyo at 7:44 AM
