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get out. meet people.

Performance: Argument Clinic: What Healthy Professional Conflict Looks Like (PyCon US)

At PyCon US 2023 on Friday, April 21st in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, I'll be co-presenting the play "Argument Clinic: What Healthy Professional Conflict Looks Like" with MeFite jacobian (Jacob Kaplan-Moss). Watch live in person, or stream it live (or later). I'm also proposing a separate social meetup in SLC during PyCon.
What does healthy disagreement look like? Many of us have never experienced healthy conflict at work, and so assume our only options are to either avoid conflict or have a nasty fight. But it doesn't have to be that way: professional disagreement can be direct without being nasty. We want to show what that looks like. In this model argument, presented as a play, watch two engineering managers disagree about something. How do they work through their disagreement -- politely and effectively? Watch our characters figure out what they're really clashing about, learn about each other's perspectives, and come to a better decision than either could alone.
We're presenting our play live at 5pm MT in Salt Lake City on Friday, April 21st. This performance is not about programming and will be understandable to anyone who's ever worked in a workplace with other people. PyCon US will be hybrid in-person and remote, and remote attendees will be able to view our talk livestreamed and on-demand. The online-only registration fee for PyCon is USD $100; here's the rest of the talks schedule. And a video recording will also be available to the public on YouTube shortly after the conference. Yes, this is another in my series of tech conference plays! I had the idea for this instructional-and-entertaining play many years ago, and am so jazzed that Jacob was intrigued enough to join me to make it real.
posted by brainwane on Apr 12, 2023 at 8:48 AM


This is in 2.5 hours, today.
posted by brainwane at 1:32 PM
